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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 21:23



热心网友 时间:2022-05-27 07:41

Become scorpion external form , all be altitude several small cubes of meat or vegetable scleroderm are just like lute , the whole body surface. The long about 50 ~ 60 of fully grown scorpion body mm , body merogenesis are obvious , the pretext bosom and abdomen are composed of , experience and observe tawny, ventral and artus colour fifth section of colour is deeper than Dan , queen abdomen. Allosome , external form leave out scorpion male and female having difference. The head the bosom, be composed of six section , be been echelon, there is forenoon A in the back again , the person mounts densely covered graininess protuberance , central authority has the back to be hit by an eye once face to face , every has 3 oblique tones eyes on both side of fore-end, have 6 artus the first pair of the entire limb being to be helpful to eating an effect, the second couple of the angle being long but rude be similar to crab pincers must, attend to predation , tactile sensation and defense a function , be that the step is enough the others four pair. The mouth is located in the abdomen bottom in front of the cavity.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-27 08:59

Scorpions are eight -legged carnivorous arthropods. A member of the Arachnida class and belonging to the order Scorpiones, there are about 2000 species of scorpions. They are found widely distributed south of 49° N, except New Zealand and Antarctica. The northern-most part of the world where scorpions live in the wild is Sheerness on the Isle of Sheppey in the UK, where a small colony of Euscorpius flavicaudis has been resident since the 1860s.


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