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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-03 07:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 15:25


热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 15:25


热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 15:26

How will the appreciation of the renminbi?

The impact of the appreciation, first of all is the field of trade, the appreciation of the renminbi, exports would certainly drop, but drop the issue of how much. Exchange rate change on the extent of the impact of export? In fact, only in the exchange rate movements and export between the large positive correlation between the circumstances, the exchange rate adjustment on exports will play a substantive effect.
Second, domestic prices and the economy. Appreciation of the renminbi, which is equivalent to RMB purchasing power increased, imports increased, domestic price level will drop significantly, which is emerging from deflation in the shadow of China's economy is again the face of deflationary pressure. From the domestic point of view the present situation, e to a huge market, but consumers still prefer imported goods, so imports of consumer goods may be more than the import of capital goods, thereby creating the risk of deflation.

Depreciation of the currency will happen?
The devaluation of the Renminbi could stimulate exports and stimulate economic growth while curbing unemployment. Second, the renminbi was devalued, foreign holders of short-term to allow the yuan to shake our confidence. This is no doubt that the elimination of hidden inflation pressure, like the United States block China's emergence as the financial crisis.

This stage, to my point of view, although the devaluation of the Renminbi will also have some negative impact, but relative to the appreciation, the depreciation is far greater than the appreciation of the benefits.


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