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发布网友 发布时间:2023-05-04 13:59



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 03:43

1. 英语作文10篇带翻译

绝对超过十篇,自己选,加分呀 我的暑假(MySummerVacation) Summertimeisthebesttimeoftheyear.ThereisnoschoolformonthsIgettodowhatIwant.Withnotestsnohomework,I'masfreeasabird. Idomanythingsringthesummervacation.IrelaxbyreadingbookswatchingTV.Ialsohangouithmyfriendstravelwithmyfamily.However,Idon'tplayinsummer.Itakeadvantageofthefreetimetolearnmore.Forexample,lastsummerIlearnedtoswim.ThissummerImightstudyputersorEnglish.Summervacationflie *** yfast,soit'simportanttodoasasyoucan. 暑假打工(APart-timeJob) ThissummervacationIgotapart-timejobinasnackbar.Atthebeginning,Icouldn'tdowellatalloftenmademistakes.Iwasverylow-spirited,fathermotherencouragedmealot.SoIbegantotrymybest.Graally,Icoulddoaverygoodjob.IfeltveryexcitedwhenIreceivedmypayforthefirsttime.Ialreadymadeupmymindtofindanotherpart-timejobinthiswintervacation.IbelieveIcandobetternexttime. 快乐暑假英语作文 SummerVacation Ienjoysummervacationverymuch. Becausesummervacationisthelongestvacationoftheyear.Wehavemorethanfiftydaystorest.Thoughitisveryhot,wecaneithergotoswimorstayintheair-conditionedroom.Intheevening,Iliketogoshoppingwithmyfriends. Wecaneatmanythingsinsummer,suchasicecreams,watermelons,grapes,soon.Insummer,Ialwaysgoonatripwithmyparents.It'sagoodchanceforustovisitsomeniceinterestingplaces. 关于暑假生活的英语作文 Ioftengotoseemygrandmagrandparingmysummervacation.Theyarebothseventyyearsoldliveinthecountryhappily.Summerviewofthecountrysideisverybeautiful.Icandomanyinterestingthingsthere.Iamusedtogettingupearlyinthemorning,breathingthefreshair,listeningtothebirdssinging,enjoyingthegreentrees,redflowerstheriver.Ilikefishingwithmyfriends.Whennightes,Isitunderthetreewithmygrandma,listeningtohertellingmemanyfunnystories.AndItellhersomenewthingshappeninginthecity.WhenIhavetogoback,Iamalwaysreluctanttogo.Ireallyfeelhappylivinginthecountry. 介绍暑假的英语作文 Thisyear'ssummervacationwa *** ostenjoyable.Ispentfifteendayshelpingmygrandparentsdoingfarmworkinthecountryside,whereIsawmountainsfieldscoveredwithgreenplants.SometimesIwentswimmingintherivertothewestofthevillage,thewaterinwhichwasquiteclear. Ikeptadiaryeveryday.Besidesdoingfarmwork,Ihelpthechildrenintheneighborhoodwiththeirlessons.AllofthemshowedinterestinEnglish.TheycouldreadwritewelltheycouldhardlyunderstandsimpleEnglish.SoeverydayinthemorningIspentaboutohourshelpingthemimprovetheirlisteningspokenEnglish.Theyallmadegreatprogress.Theirparentsallthoughthighlyofme.Inowrealizethatknowledgeisveryneededinthecountryside. 1.暑期生活-DuringSummerVacation 新学期开始了,同学们都返回学校重新见面。





Anewtermbegan.Studentsallreturnedtoschoolmetagain.Theyweretalkingabouhattheyhaddoneintheholidays.Iwashappier.Icouldn'aittotellmystory.Nowit' *** yturn.ItoldthemIgotajobinarestaurant.Iworkedasawaitress. Theydidn'tbelieveatfirst. "Yes,it'strue."Isaid,"Ireallyhadahardtimeatthebeginning.Butseveraldayslater,Icoulddoagoodjob.Iearnedsixhundredyuanthisholiday."Theyalllookedatmewiththeirmouthsopen. 2.快乐的暑假生活-HappySummerHolidays Mysummervacationofthisyearwasveryenjoyable.Iwenttothecountrysidetospendmysummerholidays.Itisverybeautifulthere.Therearegreenplants,clearrivers,lovelyanimalskindpeople.Ispentoweekshelpingmygrandfatherdosomefarmworkthere.Iwrotedownwhathappenedinmydiaryeveryday. Besidesthat,Ihelpedthechildrenintheneighbourhoodwiththeirlessons.IhelpedthemreadEnglishimprovetheirspokenEnglish.Theirparentsthankedmeforthis. 今年的暑假生活非常愉快。我去农村过暑假。


每天我在日记中记下所发生的事情。 除了这些,我还帮助邻居家的孩子做功课。


3.乡村游记-ATRIPTOTHECOUNTRY Iwenttothecountrysidetospendmysummerholidaysthisyear.Ilikedgreenplants,clearriverslovelyamimalsthere.IbreathedthefreshaironthemountainsometimesIwentswimmingintheriver.Ikeptadiaryeveryday. Ilikednotthesceneofthecountryside,8ttt8alsothepeoplethere.Ihelpedthemtodofarmwork.Ialsohelpedthechildrenintheneighbourhoodwiththeirlessons.Thechildren。

2. 英语作文 写一篇我的美丽家园的征文

My hometown

These years, my hometown has taken place great changes. It isn't what it used to be.

Many forests have been cut down without planting any young trees, that is to say, beautiful hills have been changed into a deserted land. Due to the plants decreased quckly, so the river is also narrower and narrower. Without enough water, the crops can't be great.

In a word, my hometown is not as beautiful as it was before. Now, what should we do in order to change the situation now? I think it needs our efforts. Let's join hands together to make a contribution to my hometown.以下是翻译





3. 美丽的校园我的家英语作文

Dear teachers, the judges: Hello everyone! I am from the class of 320 students **. Today, I would like to lecture on the topic of "beautiful campus my home beautiful campus, my beautiful campus - warm home. Entering the first time here, I was this huge campus deeply shocked, I showed immediate, dramatic is distributed in a class at the youth atmosphere, and that Tiantan color, I beat the heart of uneasy calm down in an instant, I know that this is a beautiful campus, I will, it will give everyone here, a bright sky, Congnayikeiqi, I put it - I schools, the young and dynamic school on the innermost of the heart, because it is my soul Harbour. Shao new one in my home, where I saw the矫健the image to see the focus on the eyes, saw the uncertain *** ile. Here, I learned, courageous, strong Institute, the Institute of dedication, I feel the teachers are caring sunshine general, students feel the sincere sentiments, but also feel their own growth, in this vast sky, I bravely in pursuit of their dreams, fall, a warm both my hands would help, for me to rekindle confidence in the fire were injured, one of the *** iling faces of good faith I will heal the wounds, I hope to pick up As a result, here are transparent every day, every corner here, all full of sunshine. Huakaihuaxie, vol to Shu-yun, the school day in the world grew up, I love her, but also a little bit of accumulation of mind, look at the sky and see the bright blue sky and the buildings to see the sun, It also magnificent glamorous side of the aisle Zhuzhu flowers, plants Fengfeidiewu the forest. I am drunk, and this time, I saw That belongs to my happiness. In this beautiful campus, I grew up in the footsteps, but also I have laughter and tears, the school, it's the United States, unreservedly to each indivial, the school quietly, listen to us every Huan with a person's grief, acceptance of each indivial blessings. I am beautiful school, I gave many, I was and I am deeply proud of the school, and I, but she was unable to give the same return, I can only desire for a future day, I can be for the schools. -- I am most warm home, and write a *** ile, and glorious music。

4. 描写景色的英语作文 带翻译

英:Do not know how long the effect, as if the fight was a nervous graally revealing the known, the field from its broad chest in long plume from the atmosphere on the slopes and there is water ongenerally spread at the Qingming, round trees and crops have begun to sway in the breeze, the leaves bee calm and. Dew back in the early morning and evening wetting the ridge, quietly put up the field. Lu Lan also came upquietly afloat, no longer go back to the valley. Although the sun is still bright, but the pain is no longer the backbone of Sunburn people bee, Kiyosumi, as if it was weak, and can not be distilled into a field, it is the field of reconciliation and the like; 。 。 Autumn is here!


5. 以我的英语为题写一篇英文作文,带翻译

My English

I have some difficulty in learning English. For example, I can't tell the difference beeen written English and spoken English. Sometimes I often make mistakes while speaking to others.

Talking about English study,I think practice is necessary and important.

For the improvement of English,we should practice as much as possible.Before classes,we must preview the lesson by repeating after the tapes and look up the new words in the dictionaries.When in class,we ought to try all our best to answer the teachers' questions.And it's very useful to keep the texts in mind. Listening to english news also does good to our english.expecially in improving my spoken English.

6. 漂亮 用英语怎么写

漂亮的1. pretty2. *** art3. beautiful4. good looking5. handsome6.nice7.excellent例句 · 1.她向那位漂亮的男演员暗送秋波。

She made eyes at the handsome actor.· 2.工人把丝线织成漂亮的衬衫。Workers weave silk thread into beautiful shirts.· 3.他送她一件漂亮的礼物。

He gave her a beautiful present.· 1. 干得漂亮: Well done · 2. 你干得漂亮: You did a good job · 1.你有种,干得漂亮,但是你没有把我吓倒,我知道你就躲在那个门的后面。Nice try.You didn't scare me.I knew you were hiding behind that door.· 2.如果大家祝贺你某项工作干得漂亮,让你的上司知道谁帮助了你。

If you're congratulated for a job well done, let your supervisors know who helped you do it.【verbal】漂亮!Handsome!Excellent!Terrific!Wonderful!Wunderbar!。

7. 美丽心灵,美丽世界的英语作文怎么写













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