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请根据以下提示 用英语介绍一下西红柿鸡蛋面的做法 不少于80词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 19:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 14:51

Tomato And Egg Noodles :

1 tomato, 2 eggs,150g noodles,

Seasonings for Tomato And Egg Noodles:

15ml peanut oil, 20g garlic, 2 slices ginger, 3 green onions, 5g salt

Step by step to cook Tomato And Egg Noodles:

1. Wash and peel the tomato, cut it  into small pieces.

2. Stir the eggs and then fry 2 minutes in a pan.

3. Add the seasonings and tomato pieces into the pan, stir-fry them with eggs for about 3 minutes.

4. Cooked noodles, then doused with tomato and eggs, blend well.serve 2-3.

A broken yolk, edges browned to a crisp, covered with grease and sludge from the wok – in what universe would this be the correct way to cook an egg? But it’s one of the best things I’ve ever tasted on top of a bowl of tomato egg noodles or added to an order of bedspread noodles.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 14:51

To make tomato fried eggs, first you have to wash and slice the tomatoes. After you put the pan on the stove and turn up the heat, simply put oil in the pan and beat the egg untill it's mix. Pour the egg into the pan and sprinkle some salt too. When the egg is solidified take it out and start frying the tomatoes, after you see some juice put the eggs back in the pan, and cut up some chives if you want. Taste a bit for the flavor and the dish is ready. Always remember to turn off the stove and plate nicely, enjoy the meal!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 14:52

西红柿鸡蛋面是一道家常面食,原材料有西红柿、鸡蛋、面粉、盐、味精、香油、老姜片 、葱花、香菜、花生油、酱油、花椒粉、柿子椒、香菇等。
面条、西红柿、鸡蛋、盐、味精、香油、老姜片 、葱花、香菜、花生油、酱油、花椒粉、柿子椒、香菇。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 14:52

Prepare: egg noodles, tomatoes, eggs, onions.
Two: wash tomatoes, cut into small pieces with a knife, eggs scattered into the bowl, add wine and a small amount of water, chopped green onion, spare.
Three: Nabechi Kashimizu and a small amount of salt, into the noodles, boiled to no hard heart can.Scoop out the boiled noodles several times.
Four: another pot, first heat the pot, and then add cooking oil, etc., when the oil to 7 into the hot, stir the egg into the pot, stir fry until 7 minutes cooked fish out..
Five: with the bottom oil to add tomatoes, medium fire slowly fried juice (can add a small amount of water and a small amount of oyster sauce).
Tip: some persimmon varieties may not be the same, not juice persimmon can add water, but still recommend water enough persimmon to do this noodles, taste will be better.Add the scrambled eggs after the sauce and let the eggs blend into the juice.
Finally: add a small amount of salt, stir fry a few Shimonoseki fire, noodles drain water, into the bowl, the fried tomatoes on the noodles above, sprinkle green onion can be.
Thank you

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 14:53

two eggs, two tomatoes, Onions, salt, monosodium glutamate right amount of oil water

tomatoes wash, go to, the cutting; 

The onion piace thenminto; 

Cutting the eggs into the bowl, add a small amount of salt and water, then stir well

pour the right amount of oil in the pan, heat oil, etc, pour egg liquid, such as chopped egg liquid after solidification molding with a shovel, remove and reserve; 

Pan. Pour the right amount of oil, pour tomato stirring; 

Wait until the tomatoes scrambled eggs, chopped green onion juice after join prepared stir a few times; 

Add salt, gourmet powder, sauce, saute two times to make it taste even after filled out.

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