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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-22 09:32



热心网友 时间:2023-05-21 23:33

Abstract:With the development of the society and the fierce competition of the market,emloyee is playing a more and more important role in the existence and development of enterprise.As a result of the low income of private enterprise and the poor environment of outstanding employee,adding to the improper management of the demand of talents promotion and the difficulty of the introction of outstanding staff,which make the employee lack become the critical point of the sustainable development of the private enterprise.It is a serious problem that the staff of private enterprise in our country are runing off.The work life of the private enterprise of senior management personnel and scientific and technological personnel has been relatively shortted.Staff's running off has been the main obstruction of the development of private enterprise.The essay explain the trait of private enterprise staff 's running off and analyse the cause of and the cost of the riunnning off from introce the connotation of the staff's running off.Enterprise management , to a great extend ,is human resource management and the mometary capital management in essence.It is the critical of human resource management ,because human resource is directly related to the survival and development of enterprises.However,managers often don't pay attention to the loss of staff,especially to the lack of efficiency measures to cope with it in private enterprise .Therefore,the measures of deal with the staffs loss processing has a significant and realistic role in improving the comprehensive competitive ability of our country's private enterprise .累死我了,望采纳呀!追问太谢谢了。请问下是你自己翻译的吗?


热心网友 时间:2023-05-21 23:34

Abstract: With the development of society, market competition become increasingly fierce, the company staff play a more and more important role for the survival and development of enterprises. Due to limitations and other requirements such as low income, poor employee development environment, as well as improper management of the talented, Private enterprises have a certain degree of difficulty to introce and retain good employees, which make employees scarcity the most important issue for the sustainable development of private enterprises . Staff turnover phenomenon of private enterprises in China is a serious problem. Working life of middle and senior management personnel and technology professionals in private enterprises is is relatively short. Staff turnover has become a major obstacle to the development and growth of private enterprises. This paper introces the connotation of private enterprise staff turnover, and clarify the characteristics of private enterprise staff turnover, this paper give analysis of the reasons for the loss of employees of private enterprises in China as well as the cost of staff turnover of China's private enterprises. The management of the enterprise is part of human resource management and the management of monetary capital. Among all this, human resources management is crucial, because the human resource is directly related to the survival and development of enterprises. In terms of human resources management, managers often focus less on management of staff turnover, especially in private enterprises, therefore, it is of great and far-reaching importance for China's private enterprises to take certain measures dealing with staff turnover and to enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of private enterprises in China.追问太谢谢了。请问下是你自己翻译的吗?最后再请翻译一点点文字。(翻译成英文)

追答Abstract: On large part, enterprise management is the management of human resource and monetary capital. Among Which human resources management is the most crucial part, because the human resource is directly related to the survival and development of a enterprises. In terms of human resources management, managers often pay less attention of staff turnover, in many enterprises, especially private enterprises, there are not even related measures and methods to solve these problems.


热心网友 时间:2023-05-21 23:34

你发北大核心 还是cssci' 我可以帮你发表

热心网友 时间:2023-05-21 23:35

with the development of society, the increasingly fierce market competition, employee to a more and more important role in the survival and development of enterprises play. Private enterprises e to low income, excellent staff growth environment, and improper management of the personnel promotion and other conditions, the introction and retain the best employees have a certain degree of difficulty, make the staff shortage become the primary problems of sustainable development of private enterprises. Drain problem employees of private enterprises in china. Private enterprise senior management personnel and technical personnel work relatively shorter period. Employee turnover has become a common major obstacles to development and growth of private enterprises. This paper introces the connotation of the private enterprise employee turnover, expounds the characteristics of the private enterprise employee turnover, analyzed the reason of employee drain in Chinese private enterprises and private enterprises in China, the cost of employee turnover. Enterprise management, to a large extent, its essence is the human resources management and the capital management. And among them, is critical to the management of human resources, because human resource is directly related to the survival and development of enterprises. In the aspect of human resource management, managers often do not focus on the management of enterprise employee turnover, especially private enterprises are not even relevant management measures. Therefore, our country private enterprise employee turnover measures has important practical significance for the far-reaching and promote comprehensive competitive ability of China's private enterprises.另外一个是

: enterprise management, to a large extent, its essence is the human resources management and the capital management. And among them, is critical to the management of human resources, because human resource is directly related to the survival and development of enterprises. In the aspect of human resource management, managers often do not focus on employee turnover management, many enterprises especially private enterprises are not even management measures and the related measures.



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