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产品翻译 请各位高手帮忙 高分悬赏

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-22 08:29



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 16:41

Measure heat instrument series LE-9000 type series high-accuracy PC full-automation measures heat instrument function characteristic: Adopt intelligence refrigeration way , voluntarily, adjusting the inside and outside tube temperature , diminishing the adjustment molus cooling down makes measurement result more accurate. Satisfy country bid GB/T213-2003 regulation. PC measures heat the instrument, has kept systematic all PC functions , the affair treatment , at the same time have started at the same time working common software go along other measuring heat instrument measurement system but the automation calibrates the energy equivalent (heat capacity) measuring heat systematically , measures calorific capacity. Import data such as sulfur , moisture content , hydrogen, data such as ball tube calorific capacity , high position calorific capacity , low-order calorific capacity being OK to be converted and printing out. Measure heat the instrument device inner tube adopt electric schistose awe mixing , that outside tube mixing adopt dyadic electric diving mixing, makes mixing homogeneous , more convenient. The instrument adopt dyadic fusing cotton thread firing way. PC measures heat the instrument works in Winsows98 and all above OS, the entire proceeding Chinese character prompts , human-computer interaction, learns to be to use namely, test that according to pointing out that operation is OK to be completed. LE-9000 series high-accuracy PC full-automation measures heat instrument technology parameter: Measure accuracy: Excellent Yu Guo Biao GB/T213-2003 uses an environment: The room temperature changes 5-40 ~C (admeasurements at every time responding to ≤1 ~C) relative humidity ≤ 80% power source: General AC220V +/-15% 50 Hz chromiums analyse an instrument on line measuring range: 0 ~ 3.0 0 ~ 10.0 0 ~ 15.0 mg/L accurate degree: <+/-5% FS highly values a linearity: <+/-2% FS sample condition: Temperature 5 ~ 50 ~C, pressure 0.1 MPa , rate of flow> 50 ml/min REST: 1 min measures a period: May set up reagent consuming amounts nimbly: The moon (each kind) demonstrates 2.5 L/: 5.7 inches of TFT colour LCD display (320 * 240) through fast output: RS232 or 485 interfaces , 4 ~ 20 mA isolation signals power source/ consumes power: Online 220 V +/-10% 50 Hz 150 W heavy metal (lead) analyses an instrument
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