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paul winter的《Midnight》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-13 11:39



热心网友 时间:2023-05-20 05:16

歌手:paul winter
专辑:Common Ground

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Midnight
Things will never be the same
Still I'm awfully glad I came
Resonating in the shape of things to come
Never waiting when I know there's only one
Messed it up but rest assured
No one ever thinks they're cured
Just a minute while I reinvent myself
Make it up and then I take it off the shelf
Over the laws of light
Over the moon by midnight
Let's do it all this time
Everyone wishing well we go
Everyone knows anything goes
We are the lotus kids
Better take note of this
For the story
The rising moon is on the shine
The blood of scorpios a nine
Like the fear that's in the eyes of every doe
Say it now cause John and Jane would like to know
Is it safe inside your head
Songs to serenade the dead
All along I said I know no enemies
Mix it up until there are no pedigrees
Enter the shadow show and
Enter the rolling tide
Over your ocean so wide
Let's do it all this time
Everyone wishing well we go

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