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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-13 06:52



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 03:47

Dear Momand Dad,

My friend,LiLei,called me to his home to prepate the party gor tomorrow,and I'd love to go.So I'can't have supper with you.Please don't worry.L will return as soon as possible.


Lisa the tennis racket , hat , a few apples is fot be in home , write message slip to Tina , lets her thing be taken to go over. The hat fixes a tennis racket on the table, in the dressing table , the apple is in drawer lining. 或者Lisa the tennis racket , hat , a few apples is fot be in home , write message slip to Tina , lets her thing be taken to go over. The hat fixes a tennis racket on the table, in the dressing table , the apple is in drawer lining.


XXXI was wounded yesterday,so I want you to tell our teacher that I cound not go to school.Please take care of the data that the teacher delivers for me,and tell me the homework that the teacher set out by telephone tonight.And help me to return some books to the library. Thank you very much! Yours xxx





参考范文: October 10Dear Miss Wu,I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not feeling well today.I caught a bad cold last night.I had got a headache and coughed day and night.The doctor told me to take some medicine and stay in bed for o days.So I can't go to school today and tomorrow.I hope I can get well soon.Thanks.Your student,###(莉莉)最普通也是最常用的格式如下:内容:杰克和几个朋友一起吃饭,庆祝端午节的到来,地点:学校食堂三楼,范文:July 1,2010Dear(因为说明谁写给谁的),Here is a piece of good news for you. We decide to have dinner party to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival tonight,so please participate in our party, I am sure you will be happy with us. The dinner party will begin at seven O'clock, waiting for your ing.Yours Clas *** ate,(可写可不写)***//hi./lucksea521/blog/item/f38ad801504bec0b738da588去看看吧,很全的!


Dear Mrs Wilson:I've returned the book for you and I'm going shopping now.Your friend tonny had called to tell you that he would cancel the appoitment and he had told Susan,he hoped that you can ring him back when you arrived home.很久没写过英语作文了,不太顺~~呵呵~~~


Dear DavidI am very sorry that I can't go shopping with you this weekend as we planned, because I got an urgent notice that we will have an exam on this weekend. You can either go shopping yourself and we can do it together next weekend. Let's talk about it on Monday when we meet. Sorry again and have a nice weekend.Best regardsLi Hua









但让我觉得奇怪的是木塞怎么会跑到椅子下呢?我大叫一声“啊.....有鬼啊.......”咦,不对啊,可能是爸爸或妈妈到开热水壶忘了把木塞塞回去了 。


Dear Mrs Wilson, I'm out shopping now, and will return your book on the way back. Tracy has called about the meeting at Bolton Coffee, which has been cancelled. Susan has been informed. Please call back Tracy when you can. See you soon! Hua 这可是标准的英口语啊。


Dear Li ming,I'm writing to you to ask you for help.I'm going to Beijing to have a trip for several days.I hope that you can help me to take care of my pet cat Mimi ring my leaving.She is very lovely and tame.You just need to feed her 3 times a day,she drinks milk and water,she likes to eat fish and vegetables.But she doesn't eat spicy food.Thank you for helping me,and I'll be back this weekend.Yours,Dave


你好!作文如下:Dear Mrs Wilson:I'm out to going shopping today,so I have something to tell you on this quick note.I have returned back your books to the library for you this morning.Tracy has called to leave a message as following:1.The appointment has been canceled;2.Tracy has told this change to Susan;3.Please give a call to Tracy as soon as possible.


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