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英语翻译在线等(求高手求速度) 要用到括号内的词组

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-14 07:51



热心网友 时间:2023-04-29 22:01

1. 我很快就适应了没有父母的大学生活。(adjust to)
I adjusted to university life away from my parents very quickly.
2. 虽然我们极力劝阻,他还是坚持要去。(despite)
He insisted on going despite of our efforts to stop him.
3. 你能确保今天发出这封信吗?此信周四前必须到达总部。(see to it that)
Can you see to it that the mail goes out today? It must get to the headquarters by Thursday.
4. 学生们经常抱怨食堂的伙食不好。(complain about)
The students often complain about the food at the canteen.
5. 尽管有很多关于他的传言,但她仍坚信他是一个信守诺言的人。(cling to)
Even though there are many rumors about him, she clings to the belief that he is a man of his words.
6. 他为自己没能按时到达约定地点编造了一个借口。(make it)
He made up an excuse for having not made it on time.
7. 人们希望生活在一个完全没有战争和暴力的世界里。 (free of)
People want to live in a world free of war and violence.
8. 高考落榜使他遭受了巨大的心灵创伤。(subject…to)
He was subject to great emotional pain after he failed the college entrance exams.
9. 每当我感到孤寂时,每当我情绪低落时,每当我遭遇挫折时,我都会想起我的故乡。(when…when…when…)
When I feel lonely, when I am depressed, and when I have setbacks, I always think of my homeplace.
10. 他最欣慰的是在自己遇到困难的时候还有几个朋友可以依靠。 (lean on)
To his greatest gratitude, he's always got some friends to lean on in difficult times.

热心网友 时间:2023-04-29 22:02

1.I soon got adjust to the life without parents university.
2.Although our efforts to persuade him, he insisted on going.
3.Can you see to sent it that the letter today? This letter is required before Thursday to headquarters.
4.Students often complain that the dining room of food is not good.
5.Although there are a lot of rumors about him, but she still believes he is a a man of his word
6.He failed to arrive on time for his prescribed destination made up an excuse.
7.People want to live in a completely free from war and violence in the world.
8.University entrance exam to make he suffered huge trauma.
9.When I feel lonely, whenever I'm depressed, whenever I setbacks, I will think of my hometown.
10.His most gratified is in their face of a difficult time has a few friends can depend on.
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