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英语翻译 中文译成英文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-14 07:39



热心网友 时间:2023-04-29 19:25

1, pay attention to appearance, their conversation, cultivation. In the world, tourism instry is recognized as a comprehensive service instries, especially the international tourism, many foreign visitors to a country first and most is in contact with the tour guides, so the tour guides often is known as" the enterprise image and the civilian ambassador", good grooming to proce better first impression, which reflected an enterprise and even a regional or national spirit and moral standards, therefore good grooming is to provide good services based. Therefore, not only in the development of international tourism when attention to grooming, but whenever he has to keep clean and tidy appearance, for the guests to the fresh feeling of warmth. In 2, a strong sense of responsibility and enthusiasm services. Guide work is a cerebral body height with service work, attitude decides action, have intense responsibility heart, be in real work into the filled with enthusiasm for the work, to provide high quality service. 3, execute, attentive patience and sincerity. As a tour guide, in the tour process is not just a spot announcer, but also as" nanny" take good care of the daily life and the safety of tourists, may say is a commentator, security guards," the nanny" in one. Visitors of all, no matter how small things need guides seriously. Because they are facing a new environment, there will be fear and caution alert mind, if the tour guide the lack of daily life knowledge base, will not be able to quickly exclude the difficulty and anxiety for the guest, is also unable to obtain the trust of tourists, but also influence the whole guide service to the process and the regiment tour. So it must be studied extensively, responding to visitors' questions, not always to "do not know" response, unless you really don't know, but it must be in the shortest possible time will not know the problem to understand, for visitors to a satisfactory answer, the guests are not satisfied as much as possible to a minimum. In 4, with the corresponding travel knowledge and professional knowledge. As a guide, the scenic spots of the professional knowledge is the minimum. Tour of this occupation is an eclectic, can be said to astronomical geography, asks you to know everything omniscient, you don't expect your visitors how cunning questions, because in the tour process, the team may be unpredictable, tour guides have corresponding professional knowledge and common sense of life, will be the first time will loss is reced to the minimum, for tourists to travel to maximize the benefits. Tour guides as a travel agency personnel, the most direct and frequent contact with tourists, have a good and rich travel knowledge and professional knowledge guide, but also easier to club bring potential visitors, develop tourist loyalty. In 5, with the organization and coordination ability. Tour guide service object is changing complex group, while working as a tour guide is also inseparable from the tourist reception service to other relevant departments cooperate and support, any one part of the deviation, will make the tour guide service be cast into the shade, so a qualified tourist guides to the mind clear, strong organization and coordination ability, guarantee visitors to the tourism activities smoothly. In 6, in good faith and does not lack a sense of humor, good at active visitor atmosphere. Visitors are mostly from the field and, in most cases are from different places, different occupation, different class, different ecational background, different living habits and so on, strange environment for people to easily set alert, at the start of the mission when the guides to take the initiative to break the barrier between the guest, let their relationship in harmony.


热心网友 时间:2023-04-29 19:25


热心网友 时间:2023-04-29 19:26


热心网友 时间:2023-04-29 19:26


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