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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 20:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 19:02

【网络综合 - 英语资源】
Thinking of You 水调歌头
When will the moon be clear and bright?
With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky.
I don't know what season it would be in the heavens on this night.
I'd like to ride the wind to fly home.
Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions are much too high and cold for me.
Dancing with my moon-lit shadow,
It does not seem like the human world.
The moon rounds the red mansion Stoops to silk-pad doors,
Shines upon the sleepless Bearing no grudge,
Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart?
People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart,
The moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane,
This has been going on since the beginning of time.
May we all be blessed with longevity Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.
--Read by Yun Feng
我欲乘风归去, 又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒,起舞弄清影,何似在人间。
我思断肠,伊人不臧。 Alas my love, you do me wrong
弃我远去,抑郁难当。 To cast me off discourteously
我心相属,日久月长。 I have loved you all so long
与卿相依,地老天荒。 Delighting in your company
绿袖招兮,我心欢朗。 Greensleeves was all my joy
绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂。 Greensleeves was my delight
绿袖摇兮,我心流光。 Greensleeves was my heart of gold
绿袖永兮,非我新娘。 And who but my Lady Greensleeves
我即相偎,柔荑纤香。 I have been ready at your hand
我自相许,舍身何妨。 To grant whatever you would crave
欲求永年,此生归偿。 I have both waged life and land
回首欢爱,四顾茫茫。 Your love and good will for to have
绿袖招兮,我心欢朗。 Greensleeves was all my joy
绿袖飘兮,我心痴狂。 Greensleeves was my delight
绿袖摇兮,我心流光。 Greensleeves was my heart of gold
绿袖永兮,非我新娘。 And who but my Lady Greensleeves   
伊人隔尘,我亦无望。 Thou couldst desire no earthly thing
彼端箜篌,渐疏渐响。 But still thou hadst it readily
人既永绝,心自飘霜。 Thy music still to play and sing
斥欢斥爱,绿袖无常。 And yet thou wouldst not love me
静夜思 李白
1).In the Still of the Night
I descry bright moonlight in front of my bed.
I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor.
I watch the bright moon, as I tilt back my head.
I yearn, while stooping, for my homeland more.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 19:02


Thy beauty haunts me heart and soul.

Oh your fair Moon,so close and bright;

Thy beauty makes me like the child,

That cries aloud to own thy light:

The little child that lifts each arm

To press thee to her bosom warm.

Though there are birds that sing this night

With thy white beams across their throats,

Let my deep silence speak for me

More than for them their sweetest notes:

Who worships thee till music fails

Is greater than thy nightingales.













热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 19:02

Thy beauty haunts me heart and soul.
Oh your fair Moon,so close and bright;
Thy beauty makes me like the child,
That cries aloud to own thy light:
The little child that lifts each arm
To press thee to her bosom warm.
Though there are birds that sing this night
With thy white beams across their throats,
Let my deep silence speak for me
More than for them their sweetest notes:
Who worships thee till music fails
Is greater than thy nightingales.
编辑于 2019-08-15

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 19:03

Thinking of You 水调歌头
When will the moon be clear and bright?
With a cup of wine in my hand, I ask the blue sky.
I don't know what season it would be in the heavens on this night.
I'd like to ride the wind to fly home.
Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions are much too high and cold for me.
Dancing with my moon-lit shadow,
It does not seem like the human world.
The moon rounds the red mansion Stoops to silk-pad doors,
Shines upon the sleepless Bearing no grudge,
Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart?
People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart,
The moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane,
This has been going on since the beginning of time.
May we all be blessed with longevity Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.
--Read by Yun Feng

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 19:04

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