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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 20:47



热心网友 时间:2023-07-03 03:52

People's life has 2/3 of the time is spent in the interior. Architecture design, interior design masters liang sicheng said: "the building is the music, the music is the solidification of flow construction." Buildings not only give a person with comfortable enjoy music, and as more give a person the feeling with happiness. The environmental protection, the "green building", beautiful and comfortable, it includes daylighting is ventilated, environmental pollution, noise insulation, sound insulation, traffic, beautify, etc. This is all indoor stylist people bring senuous pleasure. The relationship between human beings and the environment is very harmonious with the environment, make the person, and style, forms, a full expression to care, An environmental atmosphere, A complete and free of personal space.

Development trend Simple design environmental Technology innovation

热心网友 时间:2023-07-03 03:53


热心网友 时间:2023-07-03 03:53

Person's life there are 2 / 3 of the time is spent indoors. Architectural design master, interior design, master Liang said: "Architecture is the solidification of music, music is movement of the building." Buildings not only give people the enjoyment of comfort, and like the same music, even gives a better feel. On environmental protection is concerned, it is proposed a "green building", which includes the beautiful and comfortable, light and ventilation, environmental pollution, noise insulation, thermal insulation, road traffic, greening and beautification, etc.. These are interior designers to bring people to the United States pleasure. The relationship between man and the environment dealing with a very harmonious, people, environment, style, form of integration,
Fully demonstrated a concern for people; an environment of the atmosphere; a complete, free personal space.
Key words development trend of environmental technology innovation and design features
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