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商务英语·流利说文本笔记-Level6 Unit2 part 1 Manifestations of CSR

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-28 19:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 15:35

Sponsorship is money given by a company to support a person or an organization.

A company can sponsor events to show its commitment to improving society.

For example,GasTerra, a green gas company, sponsors Walk for Life, an event which raises money for cancer research in young alts.

McDonald's believes that by sponsoring the Olympics. it can create both social and commercial value.

Sponsorship is used to communicate to the public that a company is contributing to society.

If a company gives money to support an event, it is sponsoring it.

CSR efforts also include disease prevention.

Companies may focus on food safety, dental health, vaccines, and immunization.

For example, to improve food safety, a food company may use cleaner ingredients and proction methods.

Areas such as food safety, dental health, vaccines, and immunization are examples of disease prevention.

ps: 食品安全、牙齿健康、疫苗和免疫接种等领域都是疾病预防的例子。

Takeda's global CSR programs focus on disease prevention in developing and emerging countries.

ps: 全球企业社会责任计划侧重于发展中国家和新兴国家的疾病预防。

CSR efforts toward disease prevention focus on areas such as food safety, dental health, vaccines, and immunization.

To improve food safety, a food company may use cleaner ingredients and proction methods.

ps: 环境倡议

initiatives 倡议; 新方案; 主动性; 积极性; 自发性; 掌握有利条件的能力; 主动权; 英 [ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪvz] 美 [ɪˈnɪʃətɪvz]

Environmental initiatives are activities that promote environmental awareness and sustainability.

Sustainability efforts can help companies rece pollution and energy consumption.

And other philanthropic activities  can also improve the company's public perception.

 Google powers its offices through wind energy, which is cleaner and cheaper than other  energy sources.

ps: 谷歌通过风能为办公室供电,风能比其他能源更清洁、更便宜

Environmental initiatives are eco-friendly solutions to help protect and improve the environment.

Ethical labor practices refer to the fair treatment of employees.

They also focus on improving labor practices of other companies around the world.

For example, IKEA has done this by fighting against child labor in the supply chain.

Thai Union strives to implement ethical labor practices  in the seafood instry by bringing an end to human trafficking.

Ethical labor practices refer to the fair treatment of employees.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 15:35

Sponsorship is money given by a company to support a person or an organization.

A company can sponsor events to show its commitment to improving society.

For example,GasTerra, a green gas company, sponsors Walk for Life, an event which raises money for cancer research in young alts.

McDonald's believes that by sponsoring the Olympics. it can create both social and commercial value.

Sponsorship is used to communicate to the public that a company is contributing to society.

If a company gives money to support an event, it is sponsoring it.

CSR efforts also include disease prevention.

Companies may focus on food safety, dental health, vaccines, and immunization.

For example, to improve food safety, a food company may use cleaner ingredients and proction methods.

Areas such as food safety, dental health, vaccines, and immunization are examples of disease prevention.

ps: 食品安全、牙齿健康、疫苗和免疫接种等领域都是疾病预防的例子。

Takeda's global CSR programs focus on disease prevention in developing and emerging countries.

ps: 全球企业社会责任计划侧重于发展中国家和新兴国家的疾病预防。

CSR efforts toward disease prevention focus on areas such as food safety, dental health, vaccines, and immunization.

To improve food safety, a food company may use cleaner ingredients and proction methods.

ps: 环境倡议

initiatives 倡议; 新方案; 主动性; 积极性; 自发性; 掌握有利条件的能力; 主动权; 英 [ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪvz] 美 [ɪˈnɪʃətɪvz]

Environmental initiatives are activities that promote environmental awareness and sustainability.

Sustainability efforts can help companies rece pollution and energy consumption.

And other philanthropic activities  can also improve the company's public perception.

 Google powers its offices through wind energy, which is cleaner and cheaper than other  energy sources.

ps: 谷歌通过风能为办公室供电,风能比其他能源更清洁、更便宜

Environmental initiatives are eco-friendly solutions to help protect and improve the environment.

Ethical labor practices refer to the fair treatment of employees.

They also focus on improving labor practices of other companies around the world.

For example, IKEA has done this by fighting against child labor in the supply chain.

Thai Union strives to implement ethical labor practices  in the seafood instry by bringing an end to human trafficking.

Ethical labor practices refer to the fair treatment of employees.
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