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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-28 13:42



热心网友 时间:2023-05-18 18:41

One Year Ago
曲名:One Year Ago 歌手:Lene Mar

Shes walking there alone,
No one by her side

She manages to fight the tears
, but
The pain inside
She cant hide
And all the tears shes cried

The moment she closes her eyes
, she starts
Thinking of you

The dreams that she had one ti
Have gone away
Will they ever come true?

All she needs is… all she need
s is you

And she wishes today
Was one year ago

When you cared so much for her

And loved her so

Not a doubt in her mind that i
t would still be you

Cause the love that you shared
… it was true

You never thought about it,
What you made her feel

You promised youd stay togethe

But the hope she once had… so

All she needs is… all she need
s is you

And she wishes today
Was one year ago

When you cared so much for her

And loved her so

Not a doubt in her mind that i
t would still be you

Cause the love that you shared
… it was true ,

热心网友 时间:2023-05-18 18:41

One Year Ago
曲名:One Year Ago 歌手:Lene Mar

Shes walking there alone,
No one by her side

She manages to fight the tears
, but
The pain inside
She cant hide
And all the tears shes cried

The moment she closes her eyes
, she starts
Thinking of you

The dreams that she had one ti
Have gone away
Will they ever come true?

All she needs is… all she need
s is you

And she wishes today
Was one year ago

When you cared so much for her

And loved her so

Not a doubt in her mind that i
t would still be you

Cause the love that you shared
… it was true

You never thought about it,
What you made her feel

You promised youd stay togethe

But the hope she once had… so

All she needs is… all she need
s is you

And she wishes today
Was one year ago

When you cared so much for her

And loved her so

Not a doubt in her mind that i
t would still be you

Cause the love that you shared
… it was true ,

热心网友 时间:2023-05-18 18:42

本歌词转自〖就爱歌词〗 http://www.Jiuai.com

She´s walking there alone,
No one by her side
She manages to fight the tears, but
The pain inside
She can´t hide
And all the tears she´s cried
The moment she closes her eyes, she starts
Thinking of you
The dreams that she had one time
Have gone away
Will they ever come true?
All she needs is… all she needs is you

And she wishes today
Was one year ago
When you cared so much for her
And loved her so
Not a doubt in her mind that it would still be you
Cause the love that you shared… it was true

You never thought about it,
What you made her feel
You promised you´d stay together,
But the hope she once had… so unreal
All she needs is… all she needs is you

And she wishes today
Was one year ago
When you cared so much for her
And loved her so
Not a doubt in her mind that it would still be you
Cause the love that you shared… it was true

热心网友 时间:2023-05-18 18:43

One Year Ago Lyrics

She's walking there alone,
No one by her side
She manages to fight the tears, but
The pain inside
She can't hide
And all the tears she's cried
The moment she closes her eyes, she starts
Thinking of you
The dreams that she had one time
Have gone away
Will they ever come true?
All she needs is… all she needs is you

And she wishes today
Was one year ago
When you cared so much for her
And loved her so
Not a doubt in her mind that it would still be you
Cause the love that you shared… it was true

You never thought about it,
What you made her feel
You promised you'd stay together,
But the hope she once had… so unreal
All she needs is… all she needs is you

And she wishes today
Was one year ago
When you cared so much for her
And loved her so
Not a doubt in her mind that it would still be you
Cause the love that you shared… it was true
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