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跪求Madilyn Bailey唱的Crescent of the Moon的歌词,谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-26 04:38



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 06:50

(Ohhh… Wooo …Hooo….)
We always were together
Walking the same road
You and me like Destiny
But then the path had parted
You went down one road,
And I went the other way
Loneliness and the feeling in my heart
Is all I have to hold it in,
Looking at the sky that’s almost just about to cry
I have to say, but I can’t help but think of you
I am beneath the night.
And you’re not there, No I won’t cry
Won’t cry anymore, trying hard to live a life without you
Too peaceful, when I think about you… (Ohh …Ohh…)
Maybe, you’re seeing the same big star
A crescent moon, glaze into the night
It’s a night they’re bringing us together
You know I love you more than ever
Yeaa …yeaa …hey…yeaa)
The days are getting colder (colder)
Keeping my hands warm, by myself (reality)
I miss your arms so badly
Wanting you here with me
Want you here with me
Even though you call me
And tell me how much you love me, I get blue (I get blue)
And no one wanna hear it,
But I really don’t like to leave on you
So I whip the tears away…
I am beneath the night.
And you’re not there, No I won’t cry
Won’t cry anymore, trying hard to live a life without you
Too peaceful , when I think about you... (Ohh …Ohh…)
Wonder when I will see you again
Until the time again, I guess I’ll have to live
Feeling the power you gave me,
When you hold me close
And said I’ll always love you, you know….
Here beneath the night.
And you’re not there, No I won’t cry
Can’t cry anymore, trying hard to live a life without you
Too peaceful, when I think about you.. (Ohh …Ohh…)
Maybe, you’re seeing the same big star
A crescent moon, glaze into the night
It’s a night they’re bringing us together
You know I love you more than ever
Holding on my hands, can you feel the pain?
I’m reaching out to you, Crescent moon…


热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 06:51

Life is made of memories short but ever sweet
like a soft kiss blown on the breeze and they're waiting for you

if life is hit or miss then I'd ask for only this
I'd whisper oh my one wish on the wind hope it finds you

but if you, you want to break all the rules
well I'd do that, I'd do that for you oh

tonight I wanna dance with you
I wanna lose track of the time watch the hours pass us by
wanna to dance with you on the crescent of the moon

time is funny thing it slows down when you're suffering
but rushes by when everything is so wonderful

with time there's never quiet enough but I find no reason to rush
as the sun is setting on us take in the beauty of the night

but if you, you want to break all the rules
well I'd do that, I'd do that for you oh

tonight I wanna dance with you
I wanna lose track of the time watch the hours pass us by
wanna dance with you
oh I wanna to dance with you on the crescent of the moon

So clap, clap your hands take mine and we'll dance
lose yourself in the rhythm as we sway
let the start light guild our way

tonight I wanna dance with you
I wanna lose track of the time, watch the hours pass us by
wanna dance with you, oh I wanna to dance with you
yeah I just wanna dance with you on the crescent of the moon追问真的太感谢您了,您真的帮了大忙了,我找这首歌歌词儿找了一年多了,太感谢了


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