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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-28 05:08



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 08:21

MSP430G2553 芯片功能简介

The Texas Instruments MSP430 family of ultra-low-power microcontrollers consists of several devices featuring different sets of peripherals targeted for various applications. The architecture, combined with five low-power modes, is optimized to achieve extended battery life in portable measurement applications. The device features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to maximum code efficiency. The digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) allows wake-up from low-power modes to active mode in less than 1 µs.

The MSP430G2x13 and MSP430G2x53 series are ultra-low-power mixed signal microcontrollers with built-in 16-bit timers, up to 24 I/O touch-sense-enabled pins, a versatile analog comparator, and built-in communication capability using the universal serial communication interface.
View full Description in Datasheet

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 08:21

MSP430G2553 芯片功能简介

The Texas Instruments MSP430 family of ultra-low-power microcontrollers consists of several devices featuring different sets of peripherals targeted for various applications. The architecture, combined with five low-power modes, is optimized to achieve extended battery life in portable measurement applications. The device features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to maximum code efficiency. The digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) allows wake-up from low-power modes to active mode in less than 1 µs.

The MSP430G2x13 and MSP430G2x53 series are ultra-low-power mixed signal microcontrollers with built-in 16-bit timers, up to 24 I/O touch-sense-enabled pins, a versatile analog comparator, and built-in communication capability using the universal serial communication interface.
View full Description in Datasheet
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