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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-13 15:38



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 04:00

There is an increasing demand for the use of light-procing
chemical reactions for quantitative detection in biotechnology,
especially with regard to chemiluminescence-based ligand-binding
assays.1 The attractiveness of chemiluminescence as an analytical
tool lies primarily in the simplicity of detection2 since most samples
have no unwanted background luminescence and no optical filters
are required to separate the excitation wavelengths and scatter.2
However, chemiluminescence-based detection is limited by the
quantum efficiency of the chemiluminescence reaction or probe
and the time before depletion of the reactants.2 In this regard, an
increased luminescence yield would clearly benefit overall detectability
and therefore, for bioassays, the sensitivity toward a
particular analyte.
Recently, the interactions of silver nanoparticles with chemiluminescent
species, which resulted in an increase in the detectability
of chemiluminescent reactions/species, with an approximately 20-
fold increase in signal intensity, were reported by us and attributed
to a plasmon-based luminescent enhancement.3 It was shown that
surface plasmons can be directly excited by chemically inced
electronically excited molecules. This phenomenon was named
metal-enhanced chemiluminescence (MEC).3 In addition to their
utility in increasing chemiluminescence intensity, silver nanoparticles,
in combination with low power microwaves, were also shown
to kinetically accelerate bioaffinity reactions for assays4 and
immunoassays,5 which were monitored by fluorescence spectroscopy.
The use of microwaves for the creation of chemically
inced electronically excited states in a gas-phase reaction6 and
in an ultrasound cavity7 has also been previously reported. However,
the combined use of microwaves and metallic nanoparticles for the
high sensitivity detection of chemiluminescence reactions has not
hitherto been explored.
In this paper, the proof-of-principle of a new technique, which
significantly enhances the luminescence intensity of chemiluminescence
species and shortens the detection times by low power
microwave heating in the presence of silver nanoparticles, called
Microwave-Triggered Metal-Enhanced Chemiluminescence (MTMEC),
is presented. The applicability of the MT-MEC technique
for multiple chemiluminescent species emitting at different wavelengths
is also shown, which could be extended to any chemiluminescent
detection system currently in use today.
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