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U2的《Lemon》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-30 17:38



热心网友 时间:2024-11-04 11:56

专辑:Achtung Baby (20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition)

See through in the sunlight
She wore lemon
But never in the daylight
She's gonna make you cry
She's gonna make you whisper and moan
And when you're dry
She draws her water from the stone
And I feel
Like I'm slowly, slowly,
Slowly slipping under
And I feel
Like I'm holding onto nothing
She wore lemon
To colour in the cold grey night
She had heaven
And she held on so tight
A man makes a picture
A moving picture
Through the light projected
He can see himself up close
A man captures colour
A man likes to stare
He turns his money into light
To look for her
And I feel
Like I'm drifting, drifting,
Drifting from the shore
And I feel
Like I'm swimming out to her
Midnight is where the day begins
Midnight is where the day begins
Midnight is where the day begins
See through in the sunlight
A man builds a city
With banks and cathedrals
A man melts the sand so he can
See the world outside
You're gonna meet her there
A man makes a car
She's your destination
And builds a road to run them on
You gotta get to her
A man dreams of leaving
She's imagination
But he always stays behind
And these are the days
When our work has come asunder
And these are the days
When we look for something other
Midnight is where the day begins
Midnight is where the day begins
Midnight is where the day begins
Midnight is where the day begins
Midnight is where the day begins
Midnight is where the day begins
Midnight is where the day begins
Midnight is where the day begins
A man makes a picture
A moving picture
Through the light projected
He can see himself up close
You're gonna meet her there
A man captures colour
She's your destination
A man likes to stare
There's no sleeping there
He turns his money into light
She's imagination
To look for her
She is the dreamer
She's imagination
She had heaven
Through the light projected
He can see himself up close
She wore lemon
Enjoy U2_Lemon,Crono.

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