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发布网友 发布时间:2022-08-05 23:35



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 22:43

i can't belive what you said to me
last night we were alone
you threw your hands up
baby you gave up you gave up
i can't believe how you looked at me
with your james dean glossy eyes
in your tight jeans with your long hair
and your cigarette stained lies
could we fix you if you broke
and is your punch line just a joke
i'll never talk again
oh boy you've left me speechless
you've left me speechless so speechless
i'll never love again
oh boy you've left me speechless
you've left me speechless so speechless
i can't believe how you slurred at me
with your half wired broken jaw
you popped my heart seams
on my bubble dreams bubble dreams
i can't believe how you looked at me
with your Johnnie Walker eyes
he's gonna get you and after he's through
there's gonna be no love left to rye
and i know that it's complicated
but i'm a loser in love
so baby raise a glass to mend
all the broken hearts
of all my wrecked up friends
i'll never talk again
oh boy you've left me speechless
you've left me speechless so speechless
i'll never love again
oh friend you've left me speechless
you've left me speechless so speechless

and after all the drinks and bars that we've been to
would you give it all up
could i give it all up for you
and after all the boys and girls that we've been through
would you give it all up
could you give it all up
if i promise boy to you
that i'll never talk again
and i'll never love again
i'll never write a song
won't even sing along
i'll never love again
so speechless
you left me speechless so speechless
will you ever talk again
oh boy why you so speechless
you've left me speechless
some men may follow me
but you choose death and company
why you so speechless
oh oh oh
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