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将下面句子翻译成中文 要用到后面括号中的单词 不能用翻译机器

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-18 02:44



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 05:15

1.What do you think of the boom in the number of private cars(但是好像没有人会所private cars,一般说car就可以了) will have on our lives.
2. Many people think that brain draining will worsen the problem.
3. John felt annyoed by Juliets talking, so he grabed his coat and headed for the door. (这里我用了grab 而不是 wore, 因为更加形象)
4.In order to cater everyone's need, the principle decided to open the libary until ten at night.
5. For the last thrity years, he has always been on the move. Now that he i retired, he wants to settle in a peaceful village.
6. Tom ran into the kitchen in a hurry and sliped on the floor.
7. Back when there were no advertisments, proct could only be told by word of mouth.

8. If we don't understand the Western culture, then we will think that doing it this way makes no sense. (过去式: If we didn't understand the Western culture, than we would think that doing it this way made no sense/ doing it this way didn't make any sense.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 05:15

1. What do you think has the boom increase in private cars has affected our life?
2.Many people think the brain drain problem will become worse.
3. John is irritated of Judie's speech, thus wore his jacket and heads for the door.
4. In order to cater to everyone's need, the principal decided to open the library until 10 pm.
5. For the past thirdy years, he has been always running around. Now that he's retired, he want to be on the move to a peaceful village and settle down.
6.Tommy rushed into the kitchen, slipped and fall on the wet floor.
7. In the past when there was no commercials, procts has to use the word of mouth method to advertise.
8. If we don't/do not understand western culture, it won't make sense to you.
还不容易啊 你是什么水平的?

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