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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-19 03:58



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 21:59

1.The sofa is made from leather/cloth,you can text it.
2.How much does it?
3.Sorry,leather sofa is more expensive,You'd better see made-of-cloth Sofa.
4.There is other choices of the sofa's color
5.We will send the goods to your home after half month if you order it now. You must pay 30% of sum in advance.
6.Will that be cash or credit?
7.We have other procts on the book,but they are not on the spot now.you can observe them on the book and order your favorite things.
8.Welcome your patronage,and We hope you will come again.
9.The cover of the sofa can be reinstall for cleaning,you'd better clean it by you hand. 10.We had compounded a professional detergent for sofa.it is used to clean the dirty surface of the leather/cloth sofa.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 22:00

1, this sofa is genuine leather/cloth, you can try to sit down.

2, you probably need how many price?

3, I'm sorry, dermal without this price, you can see the cloth.

4, this sofa still can choose other colors.

5 and if you order today after half month we will be delivered to your home. The deposit to pay the total value of the guest by 30%.

Six, you pay by credit card or cash.

7, we still have some in a book, scene was put, you can see, I have liked can also customize.

8, thank you for coming. Please come again next time.

9, the cloth of sofa cloth is can tear open come down to clean, but had better be washed by hand.

10, we still have a special match sofa clean fluid, used to clean skin/cloth sofa surface get dirty thing.
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