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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-14 17:17



热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 01:02

If the earthquake came, what should we do? » How can we save themselves »
Is extremely frequent earthquakes, the community as a whole has a great impact. When the earthquake occurred, the most basic phenomenon is the continuous ground vibration, is obviously the sloshing. Once the earthquake occurred, we must first maintain a clear, cool head and promptly determine shock situation, must not in jumping from buildings in panic, it is extremely important
After the earthquake quickly evacuated to a safe place contingency protection is a better way. The so-called nearest escape, according to local conditions and in accordance with the different situations of different countermeasures. For example, choose the spot where shock absorbers open: squat or Paxia, so as not to fall; Do not span, many people avoid the place; Do not return to the indoor. Avoid tall buildings or structures to avoid hazards, tall, Xuangua Wu or other dangerous substances. If some people were injured, to the wounded placed in a safe place timely relief.
In short when the earthquake occurred, it is essential to have a clear-headed, calm composed attitude. We help each other, the common seismic!
中文 » 英语 翻译

热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 01:02

If the earthquake came, what should we do? » How can we save themselves »
Is extremely frequent earthquakes, the community as a whole has a great impact. When the earthquake occurred, the most basic phenomenon is the continuous ground vibration, is obviously the sloshing. Once the earthquake occurred, we must first maintain a clear, cool head and promptly determine shock situation, must not in jumping from buildings in panic, it is extremely important
After the earthquake quickly evacuated to a safe place contingency protection is a better way. The so-called nearest escape, according to local conditions and in accordance with the different situations of different countermeasures. For example, choose the spot where shock absorbers open: squat or Paxia, so as not to fall; Do not span, many people avoid the place; Do not return to the indoor. Avoid tall buildings or structures to avoid hazards, tall, Xuangua Wu or other dangerous substances. If some people were injured, to the wounded placed in a safe place timely relief.
In short when the earthquake occurred, it is essential to have a clear-headed, calm composed attitude. We help each other, the common seismic!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 01:03


热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 01:03


If the earthquake came, what should we do? » How can we save themselves »
Is extremely frequent earthquakes, the community as a whole has a great impact. When the earthquake occurred, the most basic phenomenon is the continuous ground vibration, is obviously the sloshing. Once the earthquake occurred, we must first maintain a clear, cool head and promptly determine shock situation, must not in jumping from buildings in panic, it is extremely important
After the earthquake quickly evacuated to a safe place contingency protection is a better way. The so-called nearest escape, according to local conditions and in accordance with the different situations of different countermeasures. For example, choose the spot where shock absorbers open: squat or Paxia, so as not to fall; Do not span, many people avoid the place; Do not return to the indoor. Avoid tall buildings or structures to avoid hazards, tall, Xuangua Wu or other dangerous substances. If some people were injured, to the wounded placed in a safe place timely relief.
In short when the earthquake occurred, it is essential to have a clear-headed, calm composed attitude. We help each other, the common seismic!
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