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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-26 17:42



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 17:56

The translation of Public Signs into English is a window for our country to advertise our country and get to know about the outside world.Whether the tranlation can meet with its function or not will influence the daily life of the foreigners who live in china, and is a great concern for the city's menal outlook and overall image, which would futher influence the international image of China..However, the truth is not always going with the way what we think.Through careful investigation, we will easily find out that misusage and irregular use of various English language are prevailing, The translation of Public Signs should be questioned..It plays bad influence on the international image of external exchange and the internationalized development of our tourism.It is necessary for us to pay more attention on investigation of the translation of Scenic Spot 's Public Sign. 绝对人工翻译 希望采纳哦

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 17:56

The translation of Public Signs is the way to advertise our country as well as acknowledge the overseas.
Its function is to help the foreigners who live in china, but also relates to the city's menal outlook and overall image, which would influnce the image of China..
While the truth is not as well as what we think.
Though careful survey, the problem obviously came out such as mistaken and non-standarded phenomenon of translation,
The translation of Public Signs has low quality.
It plays bad influence on not only image of international communication, but also the improvement of our international tourism.
It is necessary for us to pay more attention on the translation of Scenic Spot 's Public Sign.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 17:57

The English translation of public announcement is the window for China to promote ourselves and learn the world. Whether the translation can express its original meanings affects the clothing, housing of our foreign friends as well as the outlook and overall image of our city and the international image of our country.
But the fact is not quite satisfactory, through careful observation we can easily discover the phenomenon that wrong and nonstandard English exist everywhere. It is obvious that the translation of public announcement remains to be improved. Due to the fact that this phenomenon already has a negative affection not only to our international image in external exchange,but also the internatinal development of the travel trade of China, it is necessary to consider the translation of public annoucement in tourist areas carefully.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 17:57

The translation of Public Signs is the way to advertise our country as well as acknowledge the abroad. Whether Its function is accurateis not only infiuences the foreigners' basic necessities of life, but also relates to the city's menal outlook and overall image, which would influnce the international image of China.However, the truth is not as well as what we think.
According to the careful survey, the problem obviously came out such as mistaken and non-standarded phenomenon of translation and the translation of Public Signs has low quality.
It has bad influence not only on the image of international communication, but also on the improvement of our international tourism.So it is necessary for us to pay more attention on the translation of Scenic Spot 's Public Sign

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 17:58

The English translation of public signs is China's external publicity and a window to the world, public language translation can achieve its original function, not only affects the foreign friends in the Chinese themselves, but also related to the city 's mental outlook and overall image, and then affect the international image of china. But the fact is often somewhat unsatisfactory, careful observation, we discover not hard, all kinds of English mistakes and not standardized phenomenon can be seen everywhere, the translation quality of public signs to be considered, which not only affects the international image of our foreign exchange, have a negative influence on China's tourism instry and international development, we have the necessity on the C-E translation of public signs of.
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