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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-26 09:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 10:58

Hideaway - Kiesza
Taking me higher
than I've ever been before

I'm holding it back,
just wanna shout out give me more

You're just a hideaway,
you're just a feeling

You let my heart escape,
beyond the meaning
Not even I can find a way
to stop the storm

Oh, baby, it's out of my control,
what's going on?

You're just a chance
I take to keep on dreaming

You're just another day
that keeps me breathing
Baby, I love the way
that there's nothing sure
Baby, don't stop me,
hide away with me some more!

You're sending a shiver up
my spine might overflow

You're bringing me closer to the edge,
I'm letting go

You're just a hideaway,
you're just a feeling

You let my heart escape,
beyond the meaning
Putting my head into the clouds
i'm floating home

When you get me going
I can't find a way to stop

You're just a chance
I take to keep on dreaming

You're just another day

that keeps me breathing

Baby, I love the way
that there's nothing sure
Baby, don't stop me,
hide away with me some more

hide away with me some more

Bringing me higher
than I've ever been before

I'm holding it back,
just wanna shout out give me more

You're just a hideaway,
you're just a feeling

You let my heart escape,

beyond the meaning
Not even I can find a way
to stop the storm

Oh, baby, it's out of my control,
what's going on?

You're just a chance
I take to keep on dreaming

You're just another day
that keeps me breathing

aah aah aah yeah

You're a day
that keeps me dreaming

Baby, I love the way
that there's nothing sure
Baby, don't stop me,
hide away with me some more

Hideaway with me some more

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 10:58

英文歌的话,那应该是“昨日重现”即 yesterday once more追答英文歌词是这样的, Hideaway - Kiesza
Taking me higher
than I've ever been before

I'm holding it back,
just wanna shout out give me more

You're just a hideaway,
you're just a feeling

You let my heart escape,
beyond the meaning
Not even I can find a way
to stop the storm

Oh, baby, it's out of my control,
what's going on?

You're just a chance
I take to keep on dreaming

You're just another day
that keeps me breathing
Baby, I love the way
that there's nothing sure
Baby, don't stop me,
hide away with me some more!

You're sending a shiver up
my spine might overflow

You're bringing me closer to the edge,
I'm letting go

You're just a hideaway,
you're just a feeling

You let my heart escape,
beyond the meaning
Putting my head into the clouds
i'm floating home

When you get me going
I can't find a way to stop

You're just a chance
I take to keep on dreaming

You're just another day

that keeps me breathing

Baby, I love the way
that there's nothing sure
Baby, don't stop me,
hide away with me some more

hide away with me some more

Bringing me higher
than I've ever been before

I'm holding it back,
just wanna shout out give me more

You're just a hideaway,
you're just a feeling

You let my heart escape,

beyond the meaning
Not even I can find a way
to stop the storm

Oh, baby, it's out of my control,
what's going on?

You're just a chance
I take to keep on dreaming

You're just another day
that keeps me breathing

aah aah aah yeah

You're a day
that keeps me dreaming

Baby, I love the way
that there's nothing sure
Baby, don't stop me,
hide away with me some more

Hideaway with me some more

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