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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-24 14:43



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 10:37

Solid iron oxide desulfurizer long because of low sulfur capacity, high sulfur gases exist, in high (low gas purification, limiting ferric oxide desulfurizer of application. Therefore, ferric oxide desulfurizer is studied, and the new formula preparation process changed its, after an improved the efficiency of ferric oxide desulfurizer, its performance condition were studied. The test is required for change of reactants, preparation of iron in different conditions of new iron preparation to discuss the desulfurization effect. Therefore, the study of new ferric oxide desulfurizer in life especially widely used in oil and gas BanShengQi sulfur, city gas desulfurization, sewage treatment in appear particularly important.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 10:37

Solid oxide sulfur sorbent capacity e to low long-term, for high-sulfur gas, the existence of the gas at high speed is not high degree of purification of the problem, limiting the application of iron oxide sorbent. To this end, the study of the iron oxide desulfurizer new formula and change its preparation process, which has been improved and efficient desulfurizer oxide, and then the conditions of its performance studied. The test was prepared for the change in the reaction of iron oxide were required, under different conditions in the preparation of a new type of iron oxide to explore the effect of its desulfurization. Thus, a new type of iron oxide sorbent in life, especially widely used in oil associated gas, sulfur gas, city gas, sewage desulfurization process is especially important.
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