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翻译一下“中美标准信息平台"美国网站开通仪式! 谢谢了

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-25 08:33



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 02:05

The opening ceremony of“Chinese-American criterion information platform”American website is held in Washington, USA.

Sep, 18th, 2006, director of Chinese criterion management committee Liu Pingjun and American national criterion committee signed the agreement of Chinese-American criterion information platform on the same day the opening ceremony was held in Washington.

The ceremony was hosted by Batier, CEO of American national criterion committee, director of Chinese criterion management committee Liu Pingjun, president of Institution of American national criterion technology Bill Jeffery addressed the meeting. The two of them appraised the nice cooperation and good results in the standard field of China and America, admitted the significance of the Chinese-American criterion information platform and the positive effect it has to the trade of the two countries.

The enlightening of the Chinese-American criterion information platform is good for the tracking and understanding of the criterion information and the communication and cooperation of the two countries. It can also rece the problems caused by the criterion issue and will surely play an important role in the Chinese-American trade.

Chinese-American criterion information platform is the first platform that Chinese built with developed country, the successful experience of the cooperation is very useful for reference. Chinese national criterion management committee will also build criterion platforms with EU, England, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and Korea. These platforms will be the window of foreign criterion information and will be involved in the plan of Chinese national criterion management committee. It bases the authoritive and high effective national criterion service platform and starts a new way for China to cooperate with main trade partners in the world.

More than eighty governmental, financial delegates from the American business department attended the opening ceremony.

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