发布时间:2022-07-05 15:37
时间:2023-10-27 20:27
时间:2023-10-27 20:28
Campus corner of the lotus pond
In our campus,there is a beautiful and picturesque lotus pond.
Spring,the lotus was a small,sharp corner quietly drilled surface of the water,the East look,the West looked at,as if to observe the campus springtime gone,as the poem says,"Lu Xiao-he was sharp angle,has long been Dragonfly Li on top."Slowly,sharp angle Start open,such as beans like the original clothes and become a ll red dress.
In the summer,but when the talent performance lotus.Look at the lotus pool,the leaves suffer suffer crowded crowded,like a big one green disc,but also like the emerald studded with dense umbrella-like,the surface of the pool cover was Yanyanshishi's.Frog may hide and seek with the fish bar!He went to refused to come out under a lotus leaf!Lotus in these layers of large disk,jade between umbrella will come up.Some petals start only 23 children,some children still Huagu Duo looks like fullness of the soon to be broken,as well as children all the petals began to reveal bright yellow little Lian Peng.They are composed of 56 children a large lotus petals,petal white jade,like a white girl,shy to lie at Bristol branch between the green leaves and glistening water,shadow and like a veil on the lake dressed in a bathing fairy,smile stands; fragrance bursts,refreshing.Montreal,lotus lotus leaf,from afar,like blue water and white sails on the Dangzhe little,truly beautiful.My favorite summer at noon.At noon,the pool of soft Liu blocking the sun.I was sitting under a tree enjoying the breeze,a breeze blowing,the frog jumping on the green on a lotus leaf,"Gua,Gua" in the tweet,and a soft willows on the cicadas,played a summer symphony.
Autumn,and flowers without the beautiful faces of the summer,but the benefits can be hefty.That Lianpeng just like a small bowl filled with rare objects,up one side there are many small holes,which fell asleep lotus seeds,lotus seeds that is.
Winter comes,and the lotus pond covered in a thick layer of blankets,lotus and strike deep root in the earth,until next year and then spit fragrance.
Lotus - I love you!Love you this mud,but not the spirit of the dye!Love you added to our campus a beautiful landscape.
校园一角荷花池在我们的校园里,有一个美丽如画的荷花池. 春天,荷花那小小的、尖尖角悄悄的钻出水面,东瞧瞧,西望望,好象在观察校园的春色,真如诗中所说,“小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头.”慢慢的,尖尖角开始张开,原来像豆角似的衣服,变成了暗红的连衣裙. 夏天,可是荷花表现才华的时候.你看那池中的荷花,荷叶挨挨挤挤的,像一个个碧绿的大圆盘,又像是插满了密密麻麻的翡翠伞似的,把池面盖得严严实实的.青蛙可能在跟鱼儿捉迷藏吧!窜到荷叶底下不肯出来了!荷花在这些层层叠叠的大圆盘、翡翠伞之间冒出来.有的才展开两三片花瓣儿,有的还是花骨朵儿,看起来饱胀的马上要破裂似的,还有的花瓣儿全都展开了,露出嫩*的小莲蓬.它们五六个花瓣儿组成一朵大荷花,花瓣洁白如玉,宛如一位白衣少女,羞涩地卧在碧枝绿叶与波光水影之间,又像一个个披着轻纱在湖上沐浴的仙女,含笑伫立;清香阵阵,沁人心脾.满地的荷花荷叶,远远望去,就像碧波上荡着点点白色的帆,煞是好看.我最喜欢夏天的中午.中午,池边的柔柳挡住了烈日.我坐在树下乘凉,一阵微风吹来,青蛙在碧绿的荷叶上跳来跳去,“呱、呱”的鸣叫着,和着柔柳树上的知了,奏响了夏天的交响乐曲. 秋天到了,荷花没有了夏天那美丽的面孔,但收获可不少.那莲蓬像一只只盛满稀罕物的小碗,向上的一面有许多小孔,里面睡着荷花的种子,也就是莲子. 冬天降临了,荷花池里盖了一层厚厚的棉被,荷花的根深深扎在土里,等到明年再吐芬芳. 荷花——我爱你!爱你这种出污泥而不染的精神!也爱你为我们的校园增添了一道亮丽的风景线.