发布时间:2022-07-27 09:08
时间:2023-10-25 03:59
/* $Author: karu $ */
/* $LastChangedDate: 2009-03-04 23:09:45 -0600 (Wed, 04 Mar 2009) $ */
/* $Rev: 45 $ */
// Cache mole for CS/ECE 552 Project
// Written by Andy Phelps
// 4 May 2006
// Modified by Derek Hower
// 30 Oct 2006
// Changed to 4-word lines, byte addressable
// See the documentation on the class web page.
// Although this mole has been tested, it is not guaranteed to work.
// Please report errors to the TA.
mole cache (
input enable,
input clk,
input rst,
input createmp,
input [4:0] tag_in,
input [7:0] index,
input [2:0] offset,
input [15:0] data_in,
input comp,
input write,
input valid_in,
output [4:0] tag_out,
output [15:0] data_out,
output hit,
output dirty,
output valid,
output err
parameter cache_id = 0; // overridden for each cache instance
wire [4:0] ram0_id = (cache_id<<3) + 0; // These allow each memory to create a unique mp file
wire [4:0] ram1_id = (cache_id<<3) + 1;
wire [4:0] ram2_id = (cache_id<<3) + 2;
wire [4:0] ram3_id = (cache_id<<3) + 3;
wire [4:0] ram4_id = (cache_id<<3) + 4;
wire [4:0] ram5_id = (cache_id<<3) + 5;
wire [15:0] w0, w1, w2, w3;
assign go = enable & ~rst;
assign match = (tag_in == tag_out);
assign err = offset[0]; //word aligned; odd address is invalid
assign wr_word0 = go & write & ~offset[2] & ~offset[1] & (match | ~comp);
assign wr_word1 = go & write & ~offset[2] & offset[1] & (match | ~comp);
assign wr_word2 = go & write & offset[2] & ~offset[1] & (match | ~comp);
assign wr_word3 = go & write & offset[2] & offset[1] & (match | ~comp);
assign wr_dirty = go & write & (match | ~comp);
assign wr_tag = go & write & ~comp;
assign wr_valid = go & write & ~comp;
assign dirty_in = comp; // a compare-and-write sets dirty; a cache-fill clears it
memc #(16) mem_w0 (w0, index, data_in, wr_word0, clk, rst, createmp, ram0_id);
memc #(16) mem_w1 (w1, index, data_in, wr_word1, clk, rst, createmp, ram1_id);
memc #(16) mem_w2 (w2, index, data_in, wr_word2, clk, rst, createmp, ram2_id);
memc #(16) mem_w3 (w3, index, data_in, wr_word3, clk, rst, createmp, ram3_id);
memc #( 5) mem_tg (tag_out, index, tag_in, wr_tag, clk, rst, createmp, ram4_id);
memc #( 1) mem_dr (dirtybit,index, dirty_in, wr_dirty, clk, rst, createmp, ram5_id);
memv mem_vl (validbit,index, valid_in, wr_valid, clk, rst, createmp, ram0_id);
assign hit = go & match;
assign dirty = go & (~write | (comp & ~match)) & dirtybit;
assign data_out = (write | ~go)? 16'h0000 :
offset[2] ? (offset[1] ? w3 : w2) : (offset[1] ? w1 : w0) ;
assign valid = go & validbit & (~write | comp);