发布时间:2022-07-27 00:59
时间:2023-10-23 20:30
本书包括法律的由来、动物的规则 古老的惩罚、古雅利安人的法律等内容。
Written for the layman as well as the attorney, The Story of Law is the only complete outline history of the law ever published. Zane lucidly describes the growth and improvement of the law over thousands of years, and he points out that an increasing awareness of the indivial as a person who is responsible for decision and action graally transformed the law.
About Liberty Fund:
Liberty Fund, Inc. is a private, ecational foundation established to encourage the study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible indivials.
Zane’s Legal Career
An Appreciation
Chapter 1: The Physical Basis of Law
Chapter 2: Law Among Primordial Men
Chapter 3: The Aryan Law
Chapter 4: Babylonian Law
Chapter 5: The Jewish Law
Chapter 6: Law Among the Greeks
Chapter 7: A Greek Lawsuit
Chapter 8: Greek Philosophy of Law
Chapter 9: The Roman Creation of Modern Law
Chapter 10: The Greek Compilation of Roman Law
Chapter 11: Medieval Law In Europe
Chapter 12: The Origins of English Law
Chapter 13: English Law—righteous and Unrighteous
Chapter 14: The Reconciliation of the English Systems of Law
Chapter 15: The Absolute Reign of Law
Chapter 16: International Law
Chapter 17: Conclusion
Appendix: the Five Ages of the Bench and Bar of England
The Five Ages of the Bench and Bar of England *
I.: The Golden Age of the Common Law: From the Norman Conquest to the Death of Bracton 2
II.: The Silver Age of the Common Law: From the Accession of Edward I. To the Death of Edward III. 6
III.: The Bronze Age of the Common Law: From the Death of Edward III. To the Death of Littleton 10
IV.: The Iron Age of the Common Law: From Henry VII. To the Revolution of 1688 16
V.: The Period of Reform: From William III. To Victoria 24