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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-27 03:25



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 00:43

Biographical notes on (job-seekers intent: Mechanical Engineer)
Basic information:
Name: political landscape: Chinese Communist Party members
Professional: Mechanical Date of Birth: August 13, 1986
Native Place: Hubei Huanggang graate institutions: Wuhan Institute of Instrial height: 178cm Ecation: Undergraate
E-mail: Contact Tel:
Mailing address: Wuhan Institute of Changqing Garden Campus Post Code: 430023
Honest and trustworthy, honest, warm and cheerful, earnest, self-confidence, curiosity, persistence, optimism, innovation Gangan, the work of the initiative.
Good communication skills and strong ability to learn, have a good team spirit, good communication, strong affinity. Sometimes, in some respects has its own unique view!
The level of English and computer:
1. A good standard of English, English-speaking countries through the four examinations. Heard that a good reading and writing skills.
2. Smoothly through the secondary computer. In the use of skilled WindowsX platform: WPS,
Word, Excel, and other office automation software, three-dimensional mapping software (UG) and Auto CAD software.
Awarded the certificate:
Mechanical College of the third National Innovation Design Competition Division of Hubei won the preliminary "first";
Six provinces of China and South Africa, Hong Kong and Macao and Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region of mechanical design innovation and competition in the proction won the "second prize"
College English 4 (464 points);
While studying at the school on several occasions to obtain scholarships field grade;
Have made repeated appeals to be "outstanding student cadres" and "advanced indivials" honorary title.

Solid expertise, management has a strong interest in practical and willing to do a few years after the technology to manage change;
Honesty, integrity, and be able to enre hardship, the ability to learn. Good health and free of any disease.

As well as the ties and tasks:
Cadre classes: as a life member of the class, ring his tenure, the class of Health has done methodically, the school has won praise! Served as a member of the publicity, to lead the students in her class to do something meaningful activities, class activities carried out by the vivid and dramatic.
Leader: machinery in the innovative competition, as head of the post, while he was profoundly aware of the importance of the team, because, after all, limited the ability of a person. I firmly believe: There is no perfect person, only perfect team!

I very much agree with your corporate culture and philosophy, I hope that they will be an opportunity for your company to contribute its own efforts, I believe your confidence, my strength, as well as our common spirit of innovation will bring us success together!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 00:44

commie, i will not translate for u. scum

热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 00:44

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