you can say goodbye you can say hello是什么歌曲里的歌词
发布时间:2022-07-27 21:09
时间:2023-07-12 23:46
麦莉 塞勒斯(Miley Cyrus)演唱的
【You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home 】
同时也是麦莉 塞勒斯本人主演的<乖乖女是大明星>电影中的曲目,很赞的电影,影片中同样也有许多不错的歌曲。
例如:The climb 抒情曲目、hoedown throwdown R&B 说唱曲目等等~都很赞!
麦莉 塞勒斯(Miley Cyrus)
她是90后,却有双重身分,一个是美国 Nashville 平凡的邻家女孩,一个是无人不知无人不晓的迪斯尼小天后。在美国,只要家里有电视机的人,不可能不认识她;打开电台每个小时内都可以听到她的歌曲;翻开杂志 CosmoGirl!、Teen Vogue、Seventeen、Lucky、InStyle、OK!、People 等随处可见她的照片和新闻;演出迪斯尼热门电视影集「Hannah Montana / 孟汉纳」成为全美青少年最喜欢的偶像巨星!她所缔造出的辉煌... 全部内容»
她是90后,却有双重身分,一个是美国 Nashville 平凡的邻家女孩,一个是无人不知无人不晓的迪斯尼小天后。在美国,只要家里有电视机的人,不可能不认识她;打开电台每个小时内都可以听到她的歌曲;翻开杂志 CosmoGirl!、Teen Vogue、Seventeen、Lucky、InStyle、OK!、People 等随处可见她的照片和新闻;演出迪斯尼热门电视影集「Hannah Montana / 孟汉纳」成为全美青少年最喜欢的偶像巨星!她所缔造出的辉煌成绩,已经是娱乐界大多数艺人梦寐以求却又望尘莫及的,「麦莉狂热」正在全球快速蔓延! 在她还只有 12 岁的时候,便参加「孟汉纳」影集的试镜,制作单位因为她年纪实在太小而作罢,但是麦莉没有放弃,14 岁终于获得「孟汉纳」演出机会,2006 年 3 月首播,超高的收视率让她成为全美青少年最崇拜的偶像巨星;同年 10 月,由她演唱多首歌曲的原声带成为全美流行乐史上首张告示牌专辑榜冠军的电视原声带;2007 年 6 月,结合影集第二季原声带与麦莉首张个*碟的【孟汉纳2:遇见麦莉】问世,在全美青少年粉丝力挺之下,再度夺下全美冠军。 今年快满 16 岁,麦莉将 8 年级的摇滚心声,以创作实力灌入首张个人专辑【Breakout】,不论是洋溢青春活力的 “Wake Up America”、散发摇滚热力的同名曲 “Breakout”、或是抒怀小品 “Simple Song”…全方位展现她希望将来成为全职音乐创作人的旺盛企图;俏皮描述爱恨交织矛盾恋爱情绪的首波主打 “7 Things” 已火速跃登 Billboard 流行单曲榜 Top 10、数位单曲榜冠军;注入年轻摇滚电流的 “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” 翻唱自 80 年代畅销女歌手 Cyndi Lauper 的成名代表作,是派对必备热歌;重新诠释 Cheyenne Kimball 唱作的抒情佳酿 “These Four Walls” 则可以听见丰富的情感与更臻成熟的唱功。麦莉目前正在田纳西州拍摄电视影集「Hannah Montana」第三季和明年即将上映的同名电影,2009 年也预计发行首张个人自传,可以预见的是,不要小看麦莉的力量,麦莉狂热、早已超越众多大牌明星!
时间:2023-07-12 23:47
Miley Cyrus - You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home
You wake up, it's raining and it's monday
Looks like one of those rough days
Time's up, you're late again, so get out the door
Sometimes you feel like running
Find a whole new life and jumpin
Let go, get up and hit the dance floor
But when the lights go down it's the ending of the show
And you're feeling like you got nowhere to go - oh oh
Don't you know
You can change your hair and you can change your clothes
You can change your mind, that's just the way it goes
You can say goodbye and you can say hello
But you'll always find your way back home
You can change your style, yeah your can change your jeans
You can learn to fly and you can chase your dreams
You can laugh and cry but everybody knows
You'll always find your way back home
Your best friends, your little hometown
Are waiting up wherever you go now
You know you can always turn around
Cause this world is big and it's crazy
And this girl is thinking that maybe
This life is what some people dream about
Cause when I'm feeling down and I am all alone
I've always got a place where I can go
Cause I know
You can change your hair and you can change your clothes
You can change your mind, that's just the way it goes
You can say goodbye and you can say hello
But you'll always find your way back home
You can change your style, yeah your can change your jeans
You can learn to fly and you can chase your dreams
You can laugh and cry but everybody knows
You'll always find your way back home
Where they know exactly who you are
Where the real you is the superstar
You know it's never too far away
Let me hear you say
You can change your hair and you can change your clothes
You can change your mind, that's just the way it goes
You can say goodbye and you can say hello
But you'll always find your way back
You can change your hair and you can change your clothes
You can change your mind, that's just the way it goes
You can say goodbye and you can say hello
But you'll always find your way back home
You can change your style, yeah your can change your jeans
You can learn to fly and you can chase your dreams
You can laugh and cry but everybody knows
You'll always find your way back home
You'll always find your way back home
You'll always find your way back home
You'll always find your way back home
You'll always find your way back home
You'll always find your way back home
You'll always find your way back home
You'll always fïnd your way back home