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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-16 01:00



热心网友 时间:2023-09-25 21:27

Li Ming classmate hello
Very glad to see your help, we hope that the following analysis is helpful to you.

Your question we can be divided into two: one, before you leave home, this little home from school attached to let your pain. Second, you still can't adapt to the environment, the dormitory are not good rest.

According to the first question, which attachment. We left home to school, is a self development, is our way of hope in the growing process of the youth, the inevitable before saying "young men far!" Now this open society, equality, everyone will leave home to pursue personal development, pursue their life values. Today, we come to school tomorrow, we may be given to the university, economically developed area of seeking development, we left the house, but we are still in the home, the root of our family, parents are in the attachment to the feelings, so it is everyone left the family have long a normal psychological phenomenon, home of the parents of attachment is a basic thoughts of emotion, not only do you want, I think a lot of students in our school, especially some female classmate, this feeling is more stronger. So you want to acknowledge your gentle state of mind, tell yourself this question is normal, need for this problem.

When being homesick when we can give parents call on the phone to a parent's voice, oneself thoughts. We can also find classmates talk and listen to their ideas, with classmates in the conversation, we would get the mood, see everyone had a feeling of homesickness, our hearts will ease many, after all, there are so many people and yourself. We can go out to play, motion, our emotions, of course, female classmate can also use crying to express feelings. We insist on the thoughts do not affect study, does not affect the work, we can't comfort yourself inner emotions, we can tell the teacher, the teacher understand your feelings to your time at the holiday, home to parents. Can also find a counselor elevated to chat, the consultants. Second, you said in your message, cannot adapt to the dormitory, rest bad environment.

The problem with your first question, there must be more is your classmate acceptance degree with the problem.

We came to a new environment, to the new environment is very important, if we quickly adapt to the new life, we will be happy, positive emotions, if our flexibility is weak, we will proce angst, thoughts, emotions, such negative nostalgic affect our normal life, work and low efficiency, sleep, poor communication, etc. In our mental health adversely.

How to adapt to the new environment and accept new things? First, the new things have an idea, such as schools, we understand the nature of the school, the students' training objectives, and the characteristics of the other students, teachers and students' attitude towards when we feel we study goals and objectives of the school of training, we would be accepted and approved by the school. Understanding the characteristics of the other students and teacher's attitude, our hearts can have the preparation, and the relationship between his confidence, so we will do a pleasant performance, optimistic and positive. Secondly, we should actively participate in some collective activities. We live in the collective, we grow without ecation and training of the collective, we only participate in collective activity can benefit from the collective, can learn some development. So we should actively participate in collective activity, in the collective activity, let others know oneself, let yourself for success and accomplishment, the collective and the students can better, we accept us to new things. Third, we should be good at communication with the students. With classmates is a kind of art, respect and understanding, tolerance is open, the principle of communication in a relationship, we should respect each other, understand each other, actively open ego, YanYiLvJi generously, so that we can make friends, to make new friends. We have friends to share with everyone, can get help and understanding of others, we can obtain the support of others.

To adapt to the new environment in the process, we will encounter problems, for example: not understanding, not very good understanding others, in life, in the study on the difficulties encountered pressure, when we encounter these problems, we must have faith over these problems, the initiative to actively, their emotions and pressure generated, can also help schoolmate, teacher, active psychological problems can help psychological consultant.

There are many ways to manage emotions and chat with friends, for example, tell your friends your true idea, Sports: running, play, Master several self relaxation methods, in time to learn to relax, In some useful activities, etc. When you need to seek psychological counseling teachers for help.

Hope you can quickly adapt to the school life in the school study happily, games, and let your heart with sunshine and passion
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