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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-15 15:58



热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 04:05

热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 04:02


热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 03:56

.A diligent keep a dog. Can only be good. This is for the pros and cons in terms of people and dogs.
  Who raised a lazy dog. Only downside is no good. The advantages and disadvantages in terms only for dogs.

  Dog, worthy of the name, is in support, and we can not afford to dream of what can bring us dogs. You keep it, that is willing to do. But now many people around because of what the dog pee ah, dog hair loss, ah, ah call out the dog love, dog this is not good not good either. Put the dog away, and even around the country began under the leadership of the dog.

  In fact, there is nothing wrong with the dog? How can a dog? Or I said, a hard-working, conscientious people keep a dog, he will consciously afford the basic necessities of dogs. Out walking the dog, he will pick up consciously bring the toilet, after cleaning up the stool in dog dirt. Dog at home, he would not let dog starve random, inexplicable will not let the dog bark.

  Our dogs, we have to afford all the dogs, and willingly. Can not say what benefits or disadvantages of dogs. Can only say what kind of person a dog, what kind of dog will bring the benefits of goods and disadvantages.
  Lazy people, will only make the dog's life is full of pain. They do not know the taboo to eat dog, they do not know what what kind of temperament the dog, they are not their masters know, seriously.

  Therefore, not all people with dogs. No wonder the Chinese beat the dog in vogue. People, ah, commit a sin too many, why throw the dogs also do all of the charges?

  Some people say that dogs who have such as insect pests, there are dog rabies, dogs also bite. Who's who in fact there is no bug it? There are bacteria in people who do, those who do not want to meet people who also love flea clean it. Since it is a pet, it would have to master to service them on time to the dog a bath, time to the dog de-worming, immunization schedule to the dogs, time to dog beauty. These steps should be above those conditions are gone.

  So, is it laziness and ignorance. And precisely because of these lazy and ignorant, do not know how much harm a dog's life.

  Today, people commit a sin, there are still a dog to bear. And tomorrow? People should think deeply! ! ! ! !










热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 03:58


热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 04:00

.A diligent keep a dog. Can only be good. This is for the pros and cons in terms of people and dogs.
  Who raised a lazy dog. Only downside is no good. The advantages and disadvantages in terms only for dogs.

  Dog, worthy of the name, is in support, and we can not afford to dream of what can bring us dogs. You keep it, that is willing to do. But now many people around because of what the dog pee ah, dog hair loss, ah, ah call out the dog love, dog this is not good not good either. Put the dog away, and even around the country began under the leadership of the dog.

  In fact, there is nothing wrong with the dog? How can a dog? Or I said, a hard-working, conscientious people keep a dog, he will consciously afford the basic necessities of dogs. Out walking the dog, he will pick up consciously bring the toilet, after cleaning up the stool in dog dirt. Dog at home, he would not let dog starve random, inexplicable will not let the dog bark.

  Our dogs, we have to afford all the dogs, and willingly. Can not say what benefits or disadvantages of dogs. Can only say what kind of person a dog, what kind of dog will bring the benefits of goods and disadvantages.
  Lazy people, will only make the dog's life is full of pain. They do not know the taboo to eat dog, they do not know what what kind of temperament the dog, they are not their masters know, seriously.

  Therefore, not all people with dogs. No wonder the Chinese beat the dog in vogue. People, ah, commit a sin too many, why throw the dogs also do all of the charges?

  Some people say that dogs who have such as insect pests, there are dog rabies, dogs also bite. Who's who in fact there is no bug it? There are bacteria in people who do, those who do not want to meet people who also love flea clean it. Since it is a pet, it would have to master to service them on time to the dog a bath, time to the dog de-worming, immunization schedule to the dogs, time to dog beauty. These steps should be above those conditions are gone.

  So, is it laziness and ignorance. And precisely because of these lazy and ignorant, do not know how much harm a dog's life.

  Today, people commit a sin, there are still a dog to bear. And tomorrow? People should think deeply! ! ! ! !










热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 04:05

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