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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-16 05:07



热心网友 时间:2024-11-21 02:55

This tablet bag adopts high-quality leather which makes it look like a briefcase . senior silk lining can avoide scuffing caused by friction effectively . zip for closure brings you surness and convenience . delicate shape highlights the feeling of cozy . compact stand design support the bag vertically and flatly ,which makes it easier to display .
the newest concept and the more human-centered design
convenient to take , reliable to use , easy to display
high-quality leather and strong EVA
tablet bag
the best choice for business
the suitable bag to protect you tablet
and it is the one .

热心网友 时间:2024-11-21 02:55

The leather briefcase surface appearance, high sense of the leather, inside the day can prevent the friction caused by the into the scratch, better protect your computer, pull the chain design use more security, more convenient, not to increase the burden, the frivolous stand design, can be fixed display.

The latest design concept, the more humanized design.

Carry more convenient, use more security, better show degrees

Using high sense of the leather, with the high strength EVA

Tablet computer bag

Go out of office the best choice

Better protect your computer.

Let you more comfortable to use your tablet computer.

The interior of the package by senior silk flannelette

热心网友 时间:2024-11-21 02:56

Newest design idea, user-friendlier design.
carries is more convenient, the use is safer, unfolds indication better
to use the high sense of reality skin material, plate computer wraps
with high strength EVA <dnt> the </dnt> to go out the work to choose
to protect your computer well best.
lets you more comfortable use your plate computer. <dnt> a </dnt> package of interior uses the high-quality fibroin flannelette
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