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Believer Achieve 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-15 21:11



热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 04:13

歌曲名:Believer Achieve

CSS - Believer Achieve
Believe achieve (x6)
I'll put my ear on your chest
To hear the message that,
your body feeds me back
I'm going to eat up your feed
To try to feel what is that,
that music feels to you
Kiss you in the far above
Dark, take you in my roof
Look at it, I know it's true
Look at it, I know it's true
Dark, take you in my roof
Kiss you in the far above
I believe that love was created just for me and you
People say it's not, but I know it's true
I believe that love was created just for me and you
People say it's not, but I know it's true
Believe achieve (x6)
I'm going to wear your shoes today
Walk around the block,
hear what your neighbors have to say
I'm gonna read all your books
To know what you were thinking,
when your body didn't move
Kiss you in the far above
Dark, take you in my roof
Look at it, I know it's true
Look at it, I know it's true
Dark, take you in my roof
Kiss you in the far above
I believe that love was created just for me and you
People say it's not, but I know it's true
I believe that love was created just for me and you
People say it's not, but I know it's true
Share with me your moments of glory
Tell me, tell me, tell, you sad, sad storries
What did you say in the craft rooms?
How did you behave as a teen in high school?
I'm gonna take your eyes, use them as a seed
Grow up a tree on the balcony
I believe that love was created just for me and you
People say it's not, but I know it's true
I believe that love was created just for me and you
People say it's not, but I know it's true
I believe that love was created just for me and you
People say it's not, but I know it's true
I believe that love was created just for me and you
People say it's not, but I know it's true

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