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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-16 03:29



热心网友 时间:2024-10-31 11:14

My sister is ten years old this year. She is in Grade five. She has a red and round cheek and a big clean pair of eyes. Under her black hair are two curved eyebrows like
crescent moon. She has a row of white teeth which lack a incisor.When she smiles, she looks like a Huoyaba. So cute. My sister likes red color. She always wears red hat, therefore i often call her "little red hat".

热心网友 时间:2024-10-31 11:14

Younger sister this year ten years old, reads the elementary schoolfive grades. On she that ruddy cheek, some pair of juicy big eye.Under the pitch-black hair, two curved eyebrows, like that crescentmoon. In the middle of she that row of snow white tooth, has lacked afront tooth, as soon as smiles, has become a 豁牙 Pakistan,extremely teases to like. The younger sister likes red, always likeswearing the red hat, therefore I always call her " Small red hat" ...

热心网友 时间:2024-10-31 11:15

This year of younger sister is 10 years old, studying in primary school grade five.She that is red to rush toward of face up, there is a pair of big eyes that waters work properly.Jet black hair bottom, 2 bend a curved eyebrow, being like that new moon.She that row the snow-white tooth is in the middle, lacking incisor, on smiling, became a huoyaba, stir a person to like very.The younger sister likes red, always liking to wear the hat of red, so I always call her\"small red hat\"...
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