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my dream job六十字英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-23 23:42



热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 03:58

When I grow up.I am going to do what I want to do .I want to be an English teacher in the future.And I am going to move to Beijing or Shanghai.So how am I going to do that ?First ,I am going to finish my schoolwork,and I am going to study English very hard and read English every day.Then,I am going to learn more new words.Findlly,I must do my homework carefully. I think teacher is a good job .Although it it a little tired .I like it,too.I must study hard.I will be a teacher.

My Dream Job 财务师
My dream job will be working in one of the biggest international accounting firm as an accountant. I want to be an accountant because I love mathematics and business so much. Also, being an accountant can help me to explore my knowledge of business and provide me a board range of network among the business world. I need to do a lot in order to achieve my goal. First, I have to get an undergraate degree in accounting from college. Then I might either to go graate school for a more advanced degree in accounting or get prepare for the CPA exam. With the CPA lisence, I have a better opportunity to get a job in the accounting firm. Finally, with my experience in the accounting firm, I can apply accounting position in the international accounting firm and to serve as an accountant there!

Music Critic
I would like to become a music critic when I grow up because I like listening to music. There are new songs coming out everyday. It is very difficult to choose when I go to buy new music. I sometimes buy a CD only to find out that I do not like it. I wish someone could give me good advice so that I only buy good music but not waste money on bad ones. As a music critic, I can get to listen to new music and tell other people about great music.

Gourmet Food Critic
I would like to become a gourmet food critic when I grow up because I like to eat. I also enjoy watching my parents when they cook. It will be wonderful if I can tell people how each dish is prepared and what is great about it.

My dream is to become an architect and to design buildings and houses arond the world. I've alwayse wanted to be an architect ever since i was a child, perhaps it's because my dad is an architect as well. I've been watching him working on his designs and drawings from time to time. It fascinates me! Apart from my father's influence, i am very interested in drawing and designing things as well. I've always loved to draw. I think i can make my dream come true because I will work very hard for it!

My dream is to become a hairstyle designer and to create fabulous and fashionable hairstyles for everyone. I've alwayse wanted to be a hairstyle designer ever since i was a child, perhaps it's because my dad is a hairstyle designer as well. I've been watching him working on his designs and drawings from time to time. It fascinates me! Apart from my father's influence, i am very interested in drawing and fashion as well. I think i can make my dream come true because I will work very hard for it.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-29 03:58

Everybody has his dream job. I also have my dream job. My dream is to work for foreign tourists as a tour guide.

Why do I want to be a tour guide? First of all, I‘m an outgoing girl, and I like doing some exciting things. Maybe being a tour guide is the best choice. If I become a tour guide, I can travel all around China, and know more about our country. Then I will tell the foreign tourists about our colorful history. Second, I like making friends. If I work as a tour guide, I can make a lot of friends all over the world. This may be great. Perhaps someday my foreign friends will ask me to visit their countries. I really like to go to their countries to know something about their culture. What’s more, I like singing. Singing English songs is my favorite. I believe I will be popular with foreign tourists. Their trip will be excellent.

Now, I am still a middle school student. My job now is to work hard in school. Then I’ll go to university to learn something about being a tour guide. I’m sure I can be a qualified tour guide in the future

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