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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-21 12:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 19:02

Biographical notes on the candidates positions with professional knowledge and professional standards, willing to engage in the work of a basic instry information Han ethnic origin Liaoning graation time in July 2007 members of the political landscape University ecation specialist professional international logistics management systems of other economic management business school graate **** self-evaluation : I have a stronger theoretical knowledge, has laid a solid foundation and broad, in the professional field, his unique insights honestly cheerful, hardworking and pragmatic, and have strong resilience and capacity for coordination, strong sense of responsibility, love the collective, and take pleasure in helping people, will abide by the principle of the overall situation, and is willing to submit to the collective interests and needs, have the spirit of sacrifice. Major : Marketing Logistics, logistics management, Logistics, freight forwarders, supply chain management, container transport management, warehousing and distribution management, ERP systems management, international trade communications, international trade, international finance, international settlement, merchandising, Western economics professional skills Ø1 ERP for logistics, supply chain, storage on the machine business can skillfully operate Ø2 has received international freight forwarders qualifying examination training, and obtain a certificate Ø4 familiar with the Windows XP operating system and Office 2000. Internet the basic operation of the Internet has received five Baoguanyuanzige winning examination of the 2004-20 training 05 were third-class college scholarships for 2005-2006 were second-class college scholarships for 2006-2007 received outstanding members Ø6 English title four Ø7 English will be able to use English for the general day-to-day verbal exchanges with Ø8 there listening, said and written with the ability to read the article Ø9 the ability level of computer Ø Ø computer a skilled master WINDOWS The basic operation, become familiar with computer networks Ø familiar with the commonly used software applications, such as OFFICE,, Excel, and other software applications received certificates ØNIT network technology certificate, a certificate of computer Ø English A-level certificate, University English certificate Ø four international freight forwarders credentials participating in 06 customs examination practical experience Ø19 05 June-July summer promotional Master Kang green Ø20 June 06 to July-the supermarket cashiers Ø21 January 07 March attachment to the character Ø22 : diligent, Ø23 be good at cooperation, a rigorous style, Ø24 strong sense of responsibility, Ø25 strong resilience and self-learning ability, Ø26 strong management, organizational ability and team spirit Ø27 well : honest and generous, warm Ø28 cheerful and extensive Ø29 friends, Ø30 positive and optimistic attitude towards life, Ø31 psychological quality, Ø32 have the ambition, perseverance Ø33
阿拉伯文到英语 测试版朝鲜语到英语 测试版德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语 测试版法语到德语法语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语 测试版西班牙语到英语意大利语到英语英语到阿拉伯文 测试版英语到朝鲜语 测试版英语到德语英语到俄语 测试版英语到法语英语到葡萄牙语英语到日语 测试版英语到西班牙语英语到意大利语英语到中文(繁体) 测试版英语到中文(简体) 测试版中文到英语 测试版中文(繁体到简体) 测试版中文(简体到繁体) 测试版


热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 19:03

Biographical notes on the candidates positions with professional knowledge and professional standards, willing to engage in the work of a basic instry information Han ethnic origin Liaoning graation time in July 2007 members of the political landscape University ecation specialist professional international logistics management systems of other economic management business school graate **** self-evaluation : I have a stronger theoretical knowledge, has laid a solid foundation and broad, in the professional field, his unique insights honestly cheerful, hardworking and pragmatic, and have strong resilience and capacity for coordination, strong sense of responsibility, love the collective, and take pleasure in helping people, will abide by the principle of the overall situation, and is willing to submit to the collective interests and needs, have the spirit of sacrifice. Major : Marketing Logistics, logistics management, Logistics, freight forwarders, supply chain management, container transport management, warehousing and distribution management, ERP systems management, international trade communications, international trade, international finance, international settlement, merchandising, Western economics professional skills Ø1 ERP for logistics, supply chain, storage on the machine business can skillfully operate Ø2 has received international freight forwarders qualifying examination training, and obtain a certificate Ø4 familiar with the Windows XP operating system and Office 2000. Internet the basic operation of the Internet has received five Baoguanyuanzige winning examination of the 2004-20 training 05 were third-class college scholarships for 2005-2006 were second-class college scholarships for 2006-2007 received outstanding members Ø6 English title four Ø7 English will be able to use English for the general day-to-day verbal exchanges with Ø8 there listening, said and written with the ability to read the article Ø9 the ability level of computer Ø Ø computer a skilled master WINDOWS The basic operation, become familiar with computer networks Ø familiar with the commonly used software applications, such as OFFICE,, Excel, and other software applications received certificates ØNIT network technology certificate, a certificate of computer Ø English A-level certificate, University English certificate Ø four international freight forwarders credentials participating in 06 customs examination practical experience Ø19 05 June-July summer promotional Master Kang green Ø20 June 06 to July-the supermarket cashiers Ø21 January 07 March attachment to the character Ø22 : diligent, Ø23 be good at cooperation, a rigorous style, Ø24 strong sense of responsibility, Ø25 strong resilience and self-learning ability, Ø26 strong management, organizational ability and team spirit Ø27 well : honest and generous, warm Ø28 cheerful and extensive Ø29 friends, Ø30 positive and optimistic attitude towards life, Ø31 psychological quality, Ø32 have the ambition, perseverance Ø33

热心网友 时间:2023-10-29 19:03

Biographical notes on the candidates positions with professional knowledge and professional standards, willing to engage in the work of a basic instry information Han ethnic origin Liaoning graation time in July 2007 members of the political landscape University ecation specialist professional international logistics management systems of other economic management business school graate **** self-evaluation : I have a stronger theoretical knowledge, has laid a solid foundation and broad, in the professional field, his unique insights honestly cheerful, hardworking and pragmatic, and have strong resilience and capacity for coordination, strong sense of responsibility, love the collective, and take pleasure in helping people, will abide by the principle of the overall situation, and is willing to submit to the collective interests and needs, have the spirit of sacrifice. Major : Marketing Logistics, logistics management, Logistics, freight forwarders, supply chain management, container transport management, warehousing and distribution management, ERP systems management, international trade communications, international trade, international finance, international settlement, merchandising, Western economics professional skills Ø1 ERP for logistics, supply chain, storage on the machine business can skillfully operate Ø2 has received international freight forwarders qualifying examination training, and obtain a certificate Ø4 familiar with the Windows XP operating system and Office 2000. Internet the basic operation of the Internet has received five Baoguanyuanzige winning examination of the 2004-20 training 05 were third-class college scholarships for 2005-2006 were second-class college scholarships for 2006-2007 received outstanding members Ø6 English title four Ø7 English will be able to use English for the general day-to-day verbal exchanges with Ø8 there listening, said and written with the ability to read the article Ø9 the ability level of computer Ø Ø computer a skilled master WINDOWS The basic operation, become familiar with computer networks Ø familiar with the commonly used software applications, such as OFFICE,, Excel, and other software applications received certificates ØNIT network technology certificate, a certificate of computer Ø English A-level certificate, University English certificate Ø four international freight forwarders credentials participating in 06 customs examination practical experience Ø19 05 June-July summer promotional Master Kang green Ø20 June 06 to July-the supermarket cashiers Ø21 January 07 March attachment to the character Ø22 : diligent, Ø23 be good at cooperation, a rigorous style, Ø24 strong sense of responsibility, Ø25 strong resilience and self-learning ability, Ø26 strong management, 后边的我不会,对不起.
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