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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-22 01:06



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 06:17

Saree, it is a complex that can not be given away in indian female's heart.indian with their unique creativity interprets the understanding and pursuit on life、aesthetic and color. some said "if there is the most excellent idealism in Tagore's poem, then the most beautiful feelings of women in saree".Exactly so.saree is to indian female what Cheongsam is to chinese female,ao dai is to vietnam's, kimono is to japanese's. saree is elegant but not luxurious,exquisite and solemn.you can glimpse elegant saree everywhere and nowhere ,either on a busy city blocks or on a quiet rural lanes.from formal moment of wedding and funeral banquet to work life. although indian women normally get plumper day by day after marriage,once they wear saree,it is half covered and half revealed look, showing elegant body posture ,it's breathtaking.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 06:17

"Sari" (Saree or Sari), are the hearts of Indian women can not give up a complex, the Indians in their own unique interpretation of the creativity of their living, aesthetics, color and the pursuit of understanding. Someone said "If Tagore's poems have the highest super-idealism, then there are women in saris most beautiful feelings," is really the case.Saris of women in India, like the cheongsam in Chinese women, Audrey's in Vietnamese women, the kimono in Japanese women, elegant but not extravagant colony, and yet solemn清婉, whether in busy city street, or at quiet rural lanes, regardless of wedding feast at the great occasions, or to work at the daily lives of work, almost nowhere can not catch a glimpse of elegant, Decleor's "sari."Even though married women in India generally growing plump body, but as long as they裹上saris, half are semi-cover are敞露, faintly aesthetic posture of绰绰Lisheng, fly and stare God, breathtaking stunning.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 06:18

“Saree”is a complex in Indian women' hearts that they can not give up.they interprete their pursuit and understanding for living, aesthetics, color in their unique way.Someone said "If Tagore's poems
have the highest super-idealism, then there are women's
most beautiful feelings in Saree" ,and that is really the case.
Saris of women in India, likes the cheongsam in Chinese women, Audrey's in Vietnamese women and the kimono in Japanese women.
elegant while extravagant,solemn while 清婉(实在找不到啊)。
No matter in busy city street, or at quiet rural lanes; No matter at occasion such as banquet and funeral,or go to work at the daily lives , almost everywhere we catch a glimpse of elegant, beautiful
“Saree”. Though married women in India generally growing plump body,
but as long as they put but as long as they put on “Saree”,
semi-cover and semi-bare 隐隐绰绰的身姿美感立生,顾盼神飞,慑人心魄(能力有限)

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 06:18



Saree(Sari)is a kind of complex Indian women cannot give up in their hearts.

Indians interprete their understanding and pursuit for living, aesthetics and color by their creativity.

Some said that"There contains women's most beautiful feelings in the Saree if there exists superest idealism in Tagore's poems",and actually,it is true.

Saree for Indian women, has the same meaning of Qipao for Chinese women, Aodai for Vietnamese women and kimono for Japannese women,graceful and less extravagant,clean,nice and perfectly solemn.

Elegant and beautiful "Saree" can be glanced frequently no matter in propagate city streets,or in sequestered conuntries and alleies;no matter in formal moment of wedding and funeral banquet, or in ordinary daily life.

Although Indian women generally gain their weight graally after marrying, as long as they put on "Saree",with a half covered and half revealed look, their loomed bodies appear gorgeously instantaneously,with shining eyes when looking around,shakeing the others by the beauty.
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