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ANSI B1.20.1—NPTP这个翻译成中文怎么写又是什么意思

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 08:53



热心网友 时间:2023-09-04 23:24

NPT- National Pipe Taper Threads - ANSI B1.20.1

国家螺纹管标准 ANSI B1.20.1

Characteristics of NPT (also known as ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 Pipe Threads, General Purpose):


tapered thread 1o 47' 锥形螺纹 1度47分
truncation of roots and crests are flat 顶部和根部的截断面是平的
60o thread angle 60度的螺纹断面角
pitch is measured in threads per inch 斜度以每英寸的螺纹分布计算

Note! Pipe sizes do not refer to any physical dimensions. The outside diameter of a pipe or fitting must be measured and compared to a table for size identification. A 3/4" NPT pipe thread has an outside diameter - OD - of 1.050 inches.

Each thread size has a defined number of threads per inch - TPI, or pitch. The 3/4" NPT pipe thread has 14 threads per inch. Both the TPI and OD of the thread are required for positive identification of thread size because more than one size have the same TPI.

NPT - American Standard Pipe Taper Thread 1)
Pipe Size
(inches) Threads per Inch
TPI - pitch Outside Diameter
1/16" 27 0.313"
1/8" 27 0.405"
1/4" 18 0.540"
3/8" 18 0.675"
1/2" 14 0.840"
3/4" 14 1.050"
1" 11-1/2 1.315"
1-1/4" 11-1/2 1.660"
1-1/2" 11-1/2 1.900"
2" 11-1/2 2.375"
2-1/2" 8 2.875"
3" 8 3.500"
3-1/2" 8 4.000"
4" 8 4.500"
5" 8 5.563"
6" 8 6.625"
8" 8 8.625"
10" 8 10.750"
12" 8 12.750"
14" 8 14.000"
16" 8 16.000"

1) The taper is 1/16 inch in an inch, which is the same as 3/4 inch in a foot (angle 1o 47')

NPT threads are not interchangeable with NPS - National Pipe Straight - threads.

NPT threads may look similar to ISO 7/1 threads. However, ISO and NPT threads should not be mixed. ISO threads have 55o taper angle versus 60o for NPT. The NPT root and crest configurations are also different from ISO. For ISO threads pitch is usually measured in millimeters (may be expressed in Inch). The pitch are different.

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