发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-08 14:00
热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 12:31
(Full negation)
全部否定是百分之百地、毫无例外地否认一个事物的存在、成立或真实性。英语句子在表示全部 否定意思时,常用以下四种形式:a. 含有“绝无”意义的否定词(如no,none等)+ 表示肯定意义的谓语这种形式;b. 用否定谓语 + 不定代词或不定副词形式;c. 肯定谓语 + 含否定意义的单词;d. all等概括词 + 肯定谓语 + 含有否定意义的单词。这四种形式来表达。
a. no,none等否定词 + 肯定谓语
否定词除no,none外,还有nobody,nothing,nowhere,neither,nor,nohow(绝不,毫不), nowise(一点也不)等。这些词本身就是绝对否定意义,谓语虽然是肯定形式,但整个句子仍
--Nobody can tolerate this.
--No trickery can fool us.
--Neither of the sisters is here.
--The book was nowhere to be found. (Wan)
b. 否定谓语 + 不定代词或不定副词
not + any / anyone / anybody / anything / anywhere / either / anywise/ anyways / or / ever表示全部否定的概念。例如:
--I didn’t go anywhere this morning.
--I don’t like either of the novels.
--Anyhow I shall not go today.
--I am not taking linguistics or American literature. (Wan.)
--Nobody can do it.
不能说:Anybody cannot do it.
not + half 也可表示全部否定的概念。例如:
--You don’t mean half what you are saying. (你说的,根本不是你想的。)
c. 肯定谓语 + 含否定意义的单词
--I have answered every single question,but my opponent has answered none.
--He was nowhere to be seen.
--The ship was leaky and very much disabled (不能用).
--It’s utterly impossible that you will catch the bus.
--On this hot day the sea was irresistible.(在这样的热天,我们无法抵御下海的*。)
--This book is useless.
d. All等概括词 + 肯定谓语加上含否定意义的单词
--Every result was abnormal (不正常).
--Both substances are impure (不纯).
--All her fuss (大惊小怪) is unnecessary.
--All his plans came to nothing.(他的一切计划都没有实现。)
1) 此句型也可以通过谓语来表示否定意义,但是谓语动词在形式上必须是肯定式,只是靠它的词缀来表示它的否定意义。如dislike,disbelieve。例如:
--We all disbelieve in the existence of God.
--We both dislike pop music.
2) little和dream,expect,think等动词连用时,有完全否定的意思。例如:
--Little did I dream of succeeding so well.(我做梦也未想到会有这样大的成功。)