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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-07 18:33



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 23:36

1there is a supermarket behind the post office
is there......?
yes,there is .no there isn't.
2there is a hotel opposite the restaurant
is there...?
yes,there is .no there isn't.
3there is a bookshop near the school
is there...?
yes,there is .no there isn't.
4there is a payphone between the hospital and library
is therea payphone between the hospital or library?
yes,there is .no there isn't.
5there is a big tree in front of our classroom
is there...?
yes,there is .no there isn't.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 23:37

Is there a post office behind the supermarket?Yes,there is
Is there a hotel opposite to the restaurant?Yes,there is
Is there a book shop next to the school?Yes,there is
Is there a telephone (投币电话我不会表达)between the hospital and libary?Yes,there is

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 23:37

1.there is a supermarket behind the post office.
Is there a supermarket behind the post office?
Yes ,there is.
No ,there isn't.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 23:38

1there is a supermarket behind the post office
2.there is a hotel across the restaurant
3.there is a book store next to school
4.there is a pay phone between the hospital and the library
5.there is a tree in front of my classroom
蒙牛为什么卖给中粮 只知道名字怎么找人的联系方式 谁能告诉我怎么在微博上找人啊? 新浪微博怎么找人啊? 雅思裸考一般能考多少分 高热病人应如何护理 检疫性有害生物 多少种 北半球气温最高和最低的月份分别为 北半球气温最高和最低的月份 一起又看流星雨中有一首歌歌词是:为什么你会出现在我的身边_百度... Um,yes,there is.There's one on Bridge Street. 翻译 帮忙翻译一下:yes,there is.it's on center street 帮个忙,写了 Yes , there is.是1什么意思? yes,there+is.it’s+next+to+the+post+office五年级上册的翻译 男友要还信用卡但他手机绑定不了银行卡要我给他先还上说是给我了一直也没给怎么和他要啊 男友经常和我抱怨没有钱,他是怎么想的?还有他每个月要还信用卡,这次没按时还,很烦躁,和我抱怨。 前男友刷了我的信用卡现在也不还钱,打电话也不接,微信问说现在没钱,等有了就还我!到底该怎么办! 分手男友突然跟我说他没钱还信用卡,什么意思啊? 五行缺金,取名 和男友一起刷信用卡消费,他当时口头承诺他还,现在说没钱 男友没钱还信用卡,又不要我的,怎么办 八字缺金该怎么起名? 闺蜜在日语里怎么说? 男友拿着我信用卡去刷了几千块钱,过了一个月后还款日到了,我找他还钱,他说暂时没有这么多钱? 富德生命人寿满天星重疾险有没有坑?价格多少? 富德生命人寿万年青重疾险好不好?贵吗? 摩托车货到付款可以验货试骑吗 我想货到付款一个越野摩托车头盔 请问局域网如何查找交换机或者网关的端口 DNS和默认网关哪个是服务器IP,服务器端口怎么查? 求英语翻译 急啊 英语句子中文翻译 YES。后面是什么【符合情况】如:YES。there,is。这样的,加上情况和意思 Yes,there is 和 No,there isn't是不是肯定句和否定句? 十大策略游戏单机版手机 哪些ALEVEL考试科目更容易得高分? 佛教 大悲咒 慧济 版 寺院送大悲咒? 兰州市劳动局电话? 兰州劳动局举报电话是多少我们在兰州高金食品工地做了几个月完工到现在还没有拿到工资,请问一下这可以投_百度问一问 皋兰县劳动局电话号码是多少 兰州劳动局讨薪电话 兰州大名城劳动局电话 兰州永昌劳动局电话多少 亲姐姐要借我身份证银行卡照片去超市兼职可以吗? 大学生在附近超市兼职是一种什么体验? 什么什么脑满成语 超市打工累吗 为什么在超市工作工资待遇不好还是有人愿意做? 58同城上看到的兼职,超市理货员,180到250一天不等,会不会是假的?