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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-03 11:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 17:11

A, teaching purpose:
Mankind's having already got into information-based society, the calculator technical quick development and its application has already integrated people's life, in the medical science realm add more extensively, make to control the basic knowledge of the calculator and the ability of the application calculator have already become a modern people medicine a talented person essential basic character.So this course request strengthen the fulfillment teaching link, since want to control basic concept with basic knowledge, and then want to notice the training of basic technical ability, make the student have applied ability and thinking method of[with] information of the calculator processing, the ability for training a student self-ecated calculator knowledge and making use of a new information to know.
Two, teaching request:
1, control development, characteristics and use of calculator.Control into the coding made to count in conversion and calculator.Control calculator system to constitute masterly.Control the gearing of calculator system masterly.Control the concept and the prevention and cure of virus.Understand the usage of in common use and anti- virus software.
2, understand concept, function and classification of operate system, understand typical model, in common use operate system..Understand the characteristics of Windows development Chien's history, Windows98 and circulate environment and gearing.Control Windows98 starts and withdraw masterly, table's top diagram mark and mission column of function and actual operation.Control the basic operation of Windows98 window wayses, dialog boxes masterly.Controling the application procere signs path more to start of withdraw a way, control the usage of scrapbook.Understanding document and document clips of concept, control to make use of a resources management a machine to clip various management operations to the document and the document masterly.Controling the in common use importation outputs an equipments to install a method, mastering new hardware to increase an operation, controling the gearing and the deletion of applying the procere.Master a writing input method of using the Windows98.The academic association uses the Windows98 enclosure set in of in common use application procere of management procere.
3, request a student to control the basic thought of data processing, control the basic thought that establishment, management, application and structure of database turn program design masterly, and can make use of Visual Foxpro to resolve the actual problem in the daily business processing.Point is the basic operation of the basic concept, database of database, work much area operation, program design, various born machine of usage;Crux is work much area of operation, process program design, the window body single program design of the program design fixed menu in restaurant.
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