发布时间:2022-06-03 13:58
时间:2023-10-20 15:45
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时间:2023-10-20 15:46
The overall wall surface geometry expansion method of skin
. 2561628.3744.40873 (grid 80mm) 3 Conclusion The general structure of the overall size of large skin panels,herve leger toronto, the curvature is small,true religion outlet, forming the required shape when the in-plane deformation is not so suitable for the geometric simulation to start. This geometric simulation and automatic search for dividing lines on both sides of the grid node number to start the calculation, to simplify the calculation process, improve the efficiency of the algorithm. Developable surface, and engineering application examples show that the algorithm is efficient and accurate, to meet the engineering requirements. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] References Sun Shen new. And non-developable surface approximation of the internal structure of the mapping method to start the study. Master's degree thesis,Salvatore Ferragamo outlet, Xi'an: Northwestern University, 2004 Practical Manual Compiling Group of sheet metal technology. Practical sheet metal technical manual. Beijing: Mechanical Instry Press, 2001.7RSowerby, JLDuncan, EChu. Themodelingofsheetmetalstamping. IntJMechSci,tods shoes outlet, 1986.28 (7): 415 ~ 430 Kang Xiaoming and so on. Non-developable surface approximation of the expanded area of ??quadrilateral grids method. Northwestern Polytechnical University, 1998.16 (3): 327 ~ 332 Wu Bojie and so on. Metal forming simulation geometry rough prediction technology research. Mold Instry, 2001. (9): 5-8 Wubo Jie, Wang Ruliang. Metal forming simulation study of geometry. Forging Technology, 2001. (6): 14 ~ 17TWang, MJPlatts. Acomputer-aidedblankdesignmethodforthepeenforming. JournalofMaterialPro-cessingTechnology, 2002.122,374 ~ 380Researchongeometricdevelopmentmethodof'ntegra'Iane'skinsurflOI-integralpanelsRinsurraceWANGJiongLIDong-shengLIXiao-qiang (BeihangUniversity, SchoolofMechanicalEngineeringandAutomation, Beijing100083China) Abstract: Thereasonabledevelopmentofpanelskinsurfaceplaysanimportantroleinmateria1eeonomization, costrectionandqualityassuranceofparts, andbesides, istheprimaryconditionofprocesssimulatior ~ Thepanelskinsurfacewithsmallcurva-ture,herve leger skirts, anndertakessmallin-planedeforminginformingprocess. ConsequentlybasedontheassumptionofconstantareaofSUF-face, thedevelopmentofpanelskinsurfacewhichadoptedgeometricmodelingMethodwasresearchedinthearticle. Comparisonoftheoreticalresultsanddevelopmentresultsofdevelopablesurfaceconfirmedtheaccuracyofalgorithrr ~ Theresultofdoublycurvedsurfaceforecastedtheshapeoftheblankofcertainaircraftpanelskinsuccessfully. Keywords: geometricmodeling; integralpanel; surfacedevelopment
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