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  A study on the slip velocity on a pair of asymmetric electrodes for AC-electroosmosis in a microchannel
  【作 者】Yangyang Wang;Yong Kweon Suh;Sangmo Kang
  【刊 名】Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
  【卷 号】Vol.23
  【期 号】No.3
  【页 码】874-884
  【数据库商】 SpringerLink
  【关键词】AC-electroosmosis;Effective Stern-layer thickness;Ion adsorption;Slip velocity;Particle image velocimetry (PIV)

  Accession number: 20094112371017

  Title: A study on the slip velocity on a pair of asymmetric electrodes for AC-electroosmosis in a microchannel

  Authors: Wang, Yangyang1 ; Suh, Yong Kweon1 ; Kang, Sangmo1

  Author affiliation: 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dong-A University, Busan, 604-714, Korea, Republic of

  Corresponding author: Kang, S. (kangsm@dau.ac.kr)

  Source title: Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology

  Abbreviated source title: J. Mech. Sci. Technol.

  Volume: 23

  Issue: 3

  Issue date: June 2009

  Publication year: 2009

  Pages: 874-884

  Language: English

  ISSN: 1738494X

  Document type: Journal article (JA)

  Publisher: Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, 635-4 Yeogsam Dong Kangnam Ku, Seoul, 135705, Korea, Republic of

  Abstract: In numerical studies on microscale electroosmotic flows, the electric double layer (EDL) effect is usually predicted by solving the traditional Navier-Stokes equation subjected to the slip velocity inced by the electric-charged wall as a boundary condition. Recently, Suh and Kang (Physical Review E 77, 2008) presented the asymptotic solutions of the ion transport equations near a polarized electrode under the action of an AC field, and then proposed a new theoretical model of the slip velocity on the electrode considering the ion adsorption effect. In the present paper, we apply the model to a two-dimensional AC-electroosmotic flow in a microchannel to calculate the slip velocity on a pair of coplanar asymmetric electrodes embedded on the bottom wall, and then experimentally measure the slip velocity using the micro-PIV technique to validate the theoretical model. Comparison shows an excellent overall match between the theoretical and experimental results, except for on the narrow electrode at low frequencies. Next, we numerically perform parametric studies regarding the AC frequency, effective Stern-layer thickness and ion adsorption effect to further understand the characteristics of the AC electroosmotic flow. Results show that, as the frequency increases, the slip velocity also increases. In addition, the velocity decreases with increasing either Stern-layer thickness or ion adsorption effect. © KSME & Springer 2009.

  Number of references: 24

  Main heading: Electroosmosis

  Controlled terms: Adsorption - Electric network analysis - Electrodes - Flow visualization - Ions - Microchannels - Navier Stokes equations - Velocimeters - Velocity - Velocity measurement

  Uncontrolled terms: AC-electroosmosis - Effective Stern-layer thickness - Ion adsorption - Particle image velocimetry (PIV) - Slip velocity

  Classification code: 943.3 Special Purpose Instruments - 801 Chemistry - 802.3 Chemical Operations - 921.2 Calculus - 931.1 Mechanics - 931.3 Atomic and Molecular Physics - 942.2 Electric Variables Measurements - 714.1 Electron Tubes - 703.1.1 Electric Network Analysis - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 631.1 Fluid Flow, General - 631 Fluid Flow - 604 Metal Cutting and Machining - 704.1 Electric Components

  DOI: 10.1007/s12206-009-0104-2
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