发布时间:2022-06-06 12:58
时间:2023-10-09 14:47
1.Saint Peter's Basilica
The International Church of Milan is a Bible believing English language fellowship established by men and women seeking to know God and to make Him known. We exist to love, to trust and to make God’s truth known. We love the Lord with all we’ve got – heart, soul, mind and strength – and love others as Christ loves us. We trust Him as our salvation, our provider, and the One who works in us to make us like Him. We teach the truth of God as we find it in His Word, to as many as we possibly can.St. Peter's of Rome Commentary
"St. Peter's, the most magnificent church in Christendom and the fruit of many talents, soars triumphantly above the Vatican Hill. For nearly 150 years, a succession of popes entertained the idea of glorifying the shrine of their patron saint."
2.市政厅(Rathaus 3 .车站街(Bahnhofstrasse) 4.瑞士国家博物馆(Schweizerische Landesmuseum)