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专业英语翻译 麻烦翻得通顺一点啊。。。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-06 12:14



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 09:17

This design is on the left, right, 1 # 3 # building construction organization and planning, the structure of reinforced concrete frame shear wall structure of five layers, 2627 square meters. The whole project by WuHanDong art institute design. Engineering design is novel. This project involves civil construction, water and electricity installation, high technical requirements and organization construction, high quality requirements and complex, short construction project template, concrete pouring large quantity, amount of season by part time, quality and safety of the unfavorable factors. Construction process should conscientiously organizing, reasonable construction.
This design points, the six basic planning, project construction, project construction schele planning project construction cost planning, project construction, project construction quality planning and construction project planning planar program. Main content is the determination of reasonable construction sequence, select the reasonable construction method and construction machinery, the determination of reasonable construction progress, technically advanced and economically rational technology, adopting effective measures of labor organization and calculation of labor, materials, machinery equipment, determining the reasonable requirements of space layout, reasonable organizations including basic proction, proction and proction of all proction activities, the key is to control the total progress. Good construction
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