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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-06 12:12



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 09:03

You can go any website which could permit you to register your web shop, Paipai web shop for instance. We are giving you some suggestions as follows:
1 Get a detailed plan, including the capital, your own hobbies, advantages, public relationships, etc.
2 Choose a suitable way to run your web shop. Make sure, E-buy or Taobao, which one is suit for you?
3 After you choosing the way, just go that website and try to find out top ten best selling goods.
4 After combining yourself and the fact, just find out what you are truly suitable to run your own business.
5 If you realize that there is no way to run a good business just like what you are imagining, just quit your thought to run a web shop. You may say, running a web business is costless, but the fact is you have invested your most precious thing------your time.
6 Try to find out the best and suitable running projects and analyze the other sellers’ information, including the period of time that has a high transaction rate, the customers’ classifications and the goods variety, etc.
7 Find a way to compete with others in different ways and please never start the price war if you want to fight like Kilkenny cats.
8 Good luck!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 09:03

Apply for any website online to registrate a shop. Such as the Paipai.
Recommended as follows:

1.Learning inventory self resources, including planning, capital, indivial favor, such ability strong connections.

2.Analysis for yourself if you suit for taobao or ebay.

3.Go to the website, according to statistics, choose which sells hot and choose top10.

4.Choose yourself for business.

5. If it's not suitable, simply out of ideas, open a shop may seems no cost, but the life you invest most precious wealth --- the time.

6.Find suitable project management to operate , analyzes the seller data, including the time, customer high potential of classification, the variety of procts, etc.

7. To compete for a method of differentiation. Don't use price war, unless you want internecine.

8. Good luck!
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