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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-31 20:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 19:49

Wednesday, no parents at home. Sister took the opportunity to climb up on chairs, not yet, and so I told the sister Bachibao down only heard the popping sound. Cabinets shall break the vase. Sister and I都快scared to death! Because it is the most expensive home vases, which values 180 yuan! And the parents have been particularly like it. We therefore hold down the sister, Pilipala training to the meal, and her sister crying on the wow, loud mouth also cry: "Mom! Mother! Her not to the snow! Her not to the snow!" We look bad ! I immediately ran past cling to her, and said: "second for that! Baby, Aiyou, who said her not to the snow! Our snow Cuoguai! Is that some time she did not obey ah! Right ah? Trip! Oh! Buku the ah! Zaiku become Panda! is not it? "sister also followed coax the coax sister! Sister finally Fuku! Then we put cupboard wipe clean the Flower inserted another vase. After a while, her sister said she slumbered. We loaded her Hongshui not much of a will, his parents on the back. They quickly discovered vases were broken! Asked how we engage in, we say, is the sister smashed. But where mind, they simply do not believe that: "the snow was high ah? Her hand raised for just over counters along! How can a vase? I think you framed this is good!" "What have framed the good guys! Then Why do we smashed vases? "" I think you are not intentionally, but did not pay attention to only break! "" That snow will not be able to climb up on a chair? "" OK! even if this possibility! we do not at home You did not see how the two snow way? how she can crawl everywhere arbitrary way? If she climbed Terrace how do? Therefore, the responsibility or you! like this, you need only two negative 25% of the responsibility. you tomorrow 45 Yuan submitted in our hands! "
Ou! My god! ! ! ! ! !
2. Yesterday, Laojie (sister) disappeared artist, the artist and I was also missing! We need urgently to the ants like Reguo pummeled like to, we have almost the whole house up all the files and records! Did not find, had no alternative but to require parents buy, when we come to the house when his parents, shocked! Heard parents boast sister in the painting is good! We understand this, the original, the artist is goblins away! Alone see us! Immediately pulling our hands, saying: "Sister! Sister! Faster over, I painted the house and car. Painting好不good?" We immediately disgruntled, because that paper However, we treasure! While we are prepared to Pilipala training of her meal, we see her in the eyes of her badly naive looked at us? All of a sudden we have the fire has been washed Jiuxiaoyunwai! I immediately grabbed her sister, she said: "ah! Snow painting very good ah! Terrific!" Sister immediately understand what I mean! With a smile on her sister said: "ah! Painting really good!" Heard our recognition, the sister's face hung a bright smile! We are also happy to laugh!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 19:49

蒙牛为什么卖给中粮 只知道名字怎么找人的联系方式 谁能告诉我怎么在微博上找人啊? 新浪微博怎么找人啊? 雅思裸考一般能考多少分 高热病人应如何护理 检疫性有害生物 多少种 北半球气温最高和最低的月份分别为 北半球气温最高和最低的月份 一起又看流星雨中有一首歌歌词是:为什么你会出现在我的身边_百度... it was certain to pummel gulfport, miss., where the koshaks lived.这句话其中的“.,”是什么用法 Said pummel stupid, Oh, say want to love a person really is stupid, please?什么意思 深蓝色上衣搭配什么颜色的裤子好看 深蓝色上衣配什么颜色裤子? 登山 或攀岩用的绳套是否中国国家标准或北美标准或欧洲标准,求详细 双股螺旋绳属于那种类型(动力绳还是静力绳)? 救生绳绳和登山绳哪种好 哪个朋友知道静力绳和动力绳是什么材料做的?哪里有这种材料买? 静力绳能用于登山速降吗? 你的孩子被人欺负,你是找家长,还是骂孩子? 刚存的定期不想存了能取出吗? 昨天存的定期今天可以取出来吗 怎样给二手车估价? 2021九月份cf更新了为什么烟雾头调不起来? 果唯伊有水果配送中心吗? 果唯伊水果店科脉收银软件,销售商品汇总中未税金额是什么意思 南昌县莲塘镇恒达菜场果唯伊水果店扰民投诉电话号码多少? 果唯伊水果店芒果每千克28元淘淘的妈妈买了12千克一共花了多少元? 为什么新浪微博加个粉丝都要验证码 太烦人了吧哪个微博加粉不用输验证码呢 SONY W20 going concern是什么意思 山东技校山东有哪些好技校? 什么意思,这修改器都是修改啥的? 山东的技工学校有哪些?那些技工学校相对比较好? 肩颈劳损的症状会引起什么问题 肩颈出现的问题都有那些 如何判断自己是不是得了肩周炎 请教肩颈炎的问题 肩颈通常会出现哪些问题 肩颈出了一点点问题,诚心求解。分不多,求好心人解答。 十几岁有肩颈问题 肩颈问题应该去看什么? 肩颈有问题怎么办 男朋友跟我提了很多次分手,我也挽回了他,这一次我挽回了他,为什么他变得不爱我了?求解: 成年男子172cm矮吗? 男人净高172算矮吗 男172不长了,矮吗 男生172身高是不是超级矮,班里也就四五个不比我高的, 南方男生身高172算矮吗? 男人身高172cm真的很矮吗?