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求助! 求助! 汉译英!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-31 00:05



热心网友 时间:10小时前

Company profile
JiangXiXin yi million mu organic tea, oolong tea is very planting and processing, domestic and foreign trade, scientific research and embrace the mini-sculpture spread in the comprehensive agricultural large enterprises and provincial key leading enterprise.
JiangXiXin yi is AnXi tieguanyin tea, by senior evaluation tea tea family descendant division and with fujian laoxiang, senior gardeners LinFuQuan, senior agronomist SuQiBu travels in jiangxi province, finally selected landscape painting masters FuBaoShi hometown for tieguanyin second home. In the spirit of pioneering and enterprising, prosperous, led by the refining process for oolong tea and technology research, product quality and safety testing and brand construction of typical banner established industry, the landscape and miracles.
JiangXiXin yi million acres of gardens at an altitude of mengshan mountain 1004, advantageous, aged end-less clear ShiQuanShui dragon mountain cave rush through the tea, tea has full-bodied sweet taste and unique fragrance. Drinking tieguanyin tea, holding shipai ling class Chinese master of painting is everywhere friends and customers, and recreation of health.
JiangXiXin yi based on sincerity, quality first "as purpose, always adhere to the quality management, more standardized to embrace shipai ling class tieguanyin the development direction of the unremitting efforts.

热心网友 时间:10小时前



热心网友 时间:10小时前

JiangXiXin yi million mu organic tea, oolong tea is very planting and processing, domestic and foreign trade, scientific research and embrace the mini-sculpture spread in the comprehensive agricultural large enterprises and provincial key leading enterprise.
JiangXiXin yi is AnXi tieguanyin tea, by senior evaluation tea tea family descendant division and with fujian laoxiang, senior gardeners LinFuQuan, senior agronomist SuQiBu travels in jiangxi province, finally selected landscape painting masters FuBaoShi hometown for tieguanyin second home. In the spirit of pioneering and enterprising, prosperous, led by the refining process for oolong tea and technology research, product quality and safety testing and brand construction of typical banner established industry, the landscape and miracles.
JiangXiXin yi million acres of gardens at an altitude of mengshan mountain 1004, advantageous, aged end-less clear ShiQuanShui dragon mountain cave rush through the tea, tea has full-bodied sweet taste and unique fragrance. Drinking tieguanyin tea, holding shipai ling class Chinese master of painting is everywhere friends and customers, and recreation of health.
JiangXiXin yi based on sincerity, quality first "as purpose, always adhere to the quality management, more standardized to embrace shipai ling class tieguanyin the development direction of the unremitting efforts.

热心网友 时间:10小时前


热心网友 时间:10小时前


热心网友 时间:10小时前


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many appreciate!!!
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